Coronavirus: Attending school might actually be safer than staying at home

Following the escalation of the Covid-19 crisis, schools have been regularly disinfecting their premises; some have even implemented 'wipe-down' exercises where students are provided with cleaning equipment to disinfect and clean up after themselves. Additional measures undertaken include holding regular temperature checking sessions (in the morning and before commencement of CCA sessions), practicing social distancing and suspending large scale events. External vendors invited to schools must also pursue apt hygiene practices and bring along their own sanitizers.

In short, attending school might therefore actually be safer than staying at home for a lot of households. (You may personally feel that your house is much safer. Perhaps, and I'll give you that. But you need to realize that this isn't the case for everyone.)

Other food for thought:

Assume the authorities went ahead with shutting schools completely. My question is: So how long should they do so? 2 weeks? 1 month? If you have tuned in to the Prime Minister's latest speech, he has already remarked it is possible for the situation to last up to a year.

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