cranky baby


Anyone's baby is very cranky? As in always laugh and cry in the next second?
I feel that my 10month baby is very cranky. He is only quiet during asleep. Other than that, he will always cry when he does not get what he wants.
Sometimes he want to be carried, but the moment I carry him , he will want to come down. This goes on for a few times and he will make noise and cry if he does not get what he wants.

Is this normal for any baby? Kinda hard to take care yea?


Active Member
Is he teething. He seems very uncomfortable... my son is the opp... he cannot sleep soundly this few nights... probably teeth lor...


Most probably is teething ba.

Have any of the parents here experience baby crying non stop for no apparent reasons?
Milk fed, diaper change but still keep crying. Not sick also.
After crying for a while, fall asleep.

Is this normal? Sometime it happen during the day and night. 10 month baby.