Cry it out


Up to the individual, but usually it's recommended at 6 months. Personally I wouldn't do it at all. Babies cry for a reason, and it's their only way of communicating to their parents. They don't manipulate or control as people used to believe.

Still, it's up to you :)

Mummy to Baby V

Well-Known Member
Guess no one will actually know whether cry-it-out is 100% safe, at whichever age for a baby. Who
dares to guarantee it?

I've read about a mum who tried and baby cried till blood vessel in eye burst.
Another mum said her baby won't respond to her positively after that.
You can google around.

My boy was a super-fussy baby, nearly drove me nuts when he didn't sleep well and kept crying.
Eventually, I found many ideas from and Elizabeth Pantley's books, all without needing to cry-it-out.


New Member
coz she can't self-sooth and is waking up multiple times a night.. almost hourly sometimes
Aww, I understand your pain as my baby used to be like that too. I am not an advocate for cry it out because I read that it might cause babies to have some emotional trauma. I have used Elizabeth Pantley's No cry sleep methods, and now at 9 months, he is waking around 2-3 times a night. Not perfect but still better than every hour. What have worked for me was a consistent bedtime routine, and ensuring he has consistent nap schedule too. This is a pretty good article that you might want to read. 31 WAYS TO GET YOUR BABY TO GO TO SLEEP AND STAY ASLEEP EASIER

Mummy to Baby V

Well-Known Member
coz she can't self-sooth and is waking up multiple times a night.. almost hourly sometimes
We faced the same thing. Boy's sleep regressed at 4 months old, fussing every 45-60 minutes.
After trying many of Pantley's ideas, he improved gradually.
Finally slept through the night at 18 months old -- late but we finally succeeded.
Give her books a try. :)

Book Review: The No-Cry Nap Solution by Elizabeth Pantley | Mummy's Reviews
Book Review: The No-Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley | Mummy's Reviews