Current Hospital Bill / Gynae Costs - 4Q2012-2013


New Member
Dear forummers,

I just got an update from my SIL who just went for her checkup of the increase for Gynae/Hospital/Delivery charges. I had given birth just in Jan this year and so was quite shocked at the steep increase for everything. And yet medisave % still remains the same! I think increasing Sg's fertility rate is just wishful thinking f this goes on.

Can the new mummies who went to KKH, Mount A, Mount E, Gleneagles be so kind as to share your bill size here. It would help to give a breakdown if you can,

Gynae (package) - $_____
Hospital (Single, Two or Four-Bedder) - $______
Delivery charges (Normal / C-sec) - $______

Thanks in advance!