Did you give water to baby to drink? - newborn


Well-Known Member
hee dear all,
very interesting post.. now loading myself up for more info as my bb is gg to be born in a few wks time..

So the fact now is, nb bb dun need to drink water until they are about 6mths and when they hiccup, we let them stop the hicuppings by their own?

so how abt bringing the bb to our breast, is it a tried and tested method to stop hicuppings?


Usually I let my baby finish his hiccupping on his own. If you don't introduce the breast to him when he has hiccups, he probably wouldn't look for it when he does have hiccups.


Active Member
i usually don't give my breasts to my girl when she hiccups unless she has been hiccuping for a super long time. but surprisingly, i did that a few times, and her hiccups went away after suckling for a minute or so :)


Well-Known Member
Usually I let my baby finish his hiccupping on his own. If you dont't introduce the breast to him when he has hiccups, he probably wouldn't look for it when he does have hiccups.

me too, i did NOTHING when ds had his hiccups. very irritating though, but nth to do mahh... it will go away 5-10mins later.. haha!


Well-Known Member
Eva hiccups all the time when she was young, and I don't give her the breast - was told by the midwife that it's normal and as per how uddermummy explained. It annoys her so when she gets the hiccups, I'll join in and fake it by going "hic hic hic" - now when she hiccups, she'll laugh and smile. It'll go away after two minutes or so.

Initially, my parents too insisted that I give her water but I put my foot down.

iwan2noe, if you're loading up on reading, I really suggest getting "The Baby Book" by the Sears. I brought that with me to the hospital when I delivered and the midwives all told me that I made the right book purchase. It is my bible and is pack load with heaps of information from how to handle colicky/fussy baby to breastfeeding, babywearing, feeding, discipline and baby's development.


hee dear all,
very interesting post.. now loading myself up for more info as my baby is gg to be born in a few wks time..

So the fact now is, nb baby dont need to drink water until they are about 6mths and when they hiccup, we let them stop the hicuppings by their own?

so how about bringing the baby to our breast, is it a tried and tested method to stop hicuppings?

I brought baby to the breast a couple of times before when she had hiccups, and it did stop the hiccups very quickly. Otherwise, she hiccup for a long time. But I can't do that now because Mother-in-law is here & she say will choke baby, she again insist give water.........


Well-Known Member
I brought baby to the breast a couple of times before when she had hiccups, and it did stop the hiccups very quickly. Otherwise, she hiccup for a long time. But I can't do that now because Mother-in-law is here & she say will choke baby, she again insist give water.........
hmmm, maybe the sucking action involves in drinking from the breast sort of eases the pressure on the diaphragm, and helps to stop the hiccups? Take your girl into the room if you want to bf?

Tell her the example of the mummy here whose bb puked after being fed water when she was hiccuping?

If you're not against the idea of a pacifier, you may want to give bb a pacifier when she hiccups. It may also help, and there's no liquid for bb to choke on.


hmmm, maybe the sucking action involves in drinking from the breast sort of eases the pressure on the diaphragm, and helps to stop the hiccups? Take your girl into the room if you want to bf?

Tell her the example of the mummy here whose baby puked after being fed water when she was hiccuping?

If you're not against the idea of a pacifier, you may want to give baby a pacifier when she hiccups. It may also help, and there's no liquid for baby to choke on.
Can pacifier help stop hiccups? I didn't know...have you tried before and did it work? Sometimes it happens that baby gets hiccups while MIL is carrying her...so I can't carry her back..hai

Sigh..... had a big argument with hubby yesterday because of this feeding baby water issue...nearly resulted in me having to leave...really upset, but trying to keep quiet now otherwise no end to this....


look like im not e only one.. whenever edlycia got hiccups, my grandma (during confinement stay w me) would stuff water down her throat, told her that doc & nurses in hosp say no water needed for newborn bb but her reply was don listen to them as last time when i was a baby also she feed me water but nothing happen le.. :wong21:

now grandma no more staying w me but in law turn to nag at me.. worst still they secretly feed edlycia water behind my back!!:001_07:


Well-Known Member
How about feeding water to baby who is on formula milk, and not breastmilk?
ds was on partial bm n fm until, 4mth onwards he on fully fm, but i still didnt gif him any drip of water until he started solid food on 5.5mths.. my cousin'sbaby was on fully fm since few days old and he didnt had a drip of water until 6mths old..


Well-Known Member
Can pacifier help stop hiccups? I didn't know...have you tried before and did it work? Sometimes it happens that baby gets hiccups while mother in law is carrying her...so I can't carry her back..hai

Sigh..... had a big argument with hubby yesterday because of this feeding baby water issue...nearly resulted in me having to leave...really upset, but trying to keep quiet now otherwise no end to this....

I just let my girl stop the hiccups on her own. :p I'm fine with her hiccuping cos hiccups aren't harmful to her in the least.

Thought that maybe using a pacifier may help since it involves sucking motions too.

Cool down. Have you told your hubby about all the reasons for not feeding water? And that it's normal and okay for bbs to hiccup?

Between feeding water and bfing, I would prefer bfing your bb when she hiccups. Maybe when your bb hiccups, you can take her aside and bf her, saying that it will really stop the hiccups and that milk is more nutritious than water?

If not, the next time you see the pd, take your hubby along and ask the pd about the water issue. Or call the KKH ask a nurse hotline and pass the phone to your hubby.

Everyone is still trying to get used to the bb so tempers will def flare. Things will get better once you've adapted to having a newborn around.

Ivy Miao

dear son was on partial breast milk n fm until, 4mth onwards he on fully fm, but i still didnt give him any drip of water until he started solid food on 5.5mths.. my cousin'sbaby was on fully fm since few days old and he didnt had a drip of water until 6mths old..
Im also doing partial bf and partial fm. My mum said fm is thicker. Thus makes them more thirsty then those who are fully bf. A drop or 2 is good enough to make him 'rinse" his mouth after the thick fm.


Well-Known Member
Im also doing partial bf and partial fm. My mum said fm is thicker. Thus makes them more thirsty then those who are fully bf. A drop or 2 is good enough to make him 'rinse" his mouth after the thick fm.
some parents will give a few drip of water to FM babies.. a few drops is alright but not too much a per.. for me, cos my pd insisted that there is no need to give water even a baby is fully on FM so i didnt feed him until he started solid food :001_302:


hmm...At the 6 week visit to the paediatrician, I mentioned to the doc that my baby is quite a windy baby (will wake up & cry 1 hr after being put to sleep and will need to be burped again), and surprisingly he said to feed baby 1-4 teaspoons of water as it may help with windy baby. Other ways of managing are to change the feeding position such that milk that she can't drink should leak out of her mouth so she won't choke on it (due to fast flow of milk), and also feeding her infant anti-wind drops. And one more method is to express a bit before feeding to catch the fast flow of milk so baby doesn't get it first.

I've tried all of the above methods, especially feeding water, but baby is still windy. I'm just very surprised that my paediatrician suggested feeding water. He said water will help get rid of the wind. Baby doesn't like the bottle so I've to feed her from a teaspoon, which she doesn't seem to like much either but will still sip a bit of water.

Anyways, sorry to sidetrack a bit on the above.

I still think feeding water is unnecessary.