Difficulty feeding 3 month old baby


My dd is ow 3 months old. We have just increased her milk intake to 120ml, at a 3 - 3.5hr interval. However, she would cry very hard everytime we feed her (even if it is way beyond her feeding hour). I kept reminding myself to force feed her, so when she drink 10 - 20ml and starts crying, we would stop and let her calm down.

We heat the milk again and start feeding her after 5 - 10 mins. The whole ordeal will start all over again. It has been almost a month we had not sat down while feeding her, as she prefers us to walk around or sway her.

I really dont know what to do to help her drink properly, and also feel very tired physically to feed her this way.

If anyone had the same experience or any advise, please share.



New Member
Hi Cream,

I see that you're staying in Punggol. Maybe you can bring your child to a paediatric clinic. I go to the one at Rivervale Plaza & the paediatrician, Dr Zainal Muttakin, is very good with kids. My son is 2 1/2 months old now. I would worry, too, if this was to happen to my son. At this age, we must rectify the problem quickly by bringing our child to a specialist.

All the best ya!
Try changing milk bottles ? My girl used to be fussy and hard to feed oso. 30ml can take 1 hr to finish it. Same as u. Heating and heating over. Sometimes need pour away when milk more than an hour. Maybe she dislike the teat. I changed 3 -4 types and finally pigeon wideneck then she drink. 30ml 5 mins done! Haha. Now is her teething time, same thing happening again but now is refuse milk and food. Only water!!


Come to think of it, this whole thing started after her injection and I changed her bottle and teats from Tollyjoy to Pigeon. Maybe I have to change it back. Thanks for pointing this out.


Alpha Male
one good point is to change the bottles.
another point you may extend feeding time to another 1hours and try..
For example if drinking is 3pm, next interval is 7pm instead of 6pm.


New Member
My boy was like that too when he was 2.5mths old. He would cry n struggle every feed n it took him 1 hr to finish 120ml. In the end we realized the teat hole was too small for him so he got frustrated sucking. Changed teats n he finished his milk in 10mins.

Other than that, some days he just doesn't drink as much. My mum told me it's normal cos even for adults we dont eat the same amount of food everyday too. As long as he is active, can play, can sleep, produces 6-8 wet diapers a day, he's fine. dont try force feeding. My sister In law force fed her boy til he cried so much til vomit n he hates milk til now at 3 yrs old.

Oh yah if bb feeling too hot also might refuse to drink milk. My boy has to hv a fan blowing near him else his head will perspire n then he will refuse to drink further.
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my gal, now 4 mth old also facing the same problem, she is like that since 1st mth. So we have to carry n sway her or walk around whenever feeding. So i bought a sarong sling.....