Do you pump strictly every 3 or 4 hours?


Active Member
I'm usually able to pump 120 - 150 ml when I'm in office so I have actually started to pump before I sleep and in the middle of night to get sufficient supply for Quan's daily feeds. Hopefully he's demand will drop when I start him on solids.


New Member
I tried that already. My baby has no problem latching on. My technique's right. It's just that, once he got used to the bottle, he prefers its faster flow and will fight my breast. So, it's stressful for me and him. He's 2 months old already and can't be "bluffed" any more. I dont't really mind bottle feeding him, because it's much more peaceful for me and him. I'd just like to know if anyone pumps strictly every 4 hours and how they do it.
i encountered same problem, so i've been pumping exclusively. it started off 3 hrly, then down to 4-5hrly when i notice the supply dip. i'm back to 3 hrly, at most 4hrly (when i can). it is very stressful to do so 3 hrly, but i force myself to during the day, whether i'm working from home or at workplace, will make it a point. i put alot of stress on myself to make sure i pump at least 5-6 times in a day. it disrupts rest, work, sometimes it gets very overwhelming - this pumping schedule..
my last pump is at night (or past midnight rather); i can't get up to pump at 4-5am. so it drags about 8 hrs even; i'll feel pretty engorged.


New Member
I find it a hassle to pump strictly every 3 or 4 hours. I tend to end up pumping every 5 or 6 or even 9 hours instead. Cuz, in the morning, we're usually very busy - have to feed baby, change his diaper, bathe him, etc. Then I have to eat breakfast, yadda yadda yadda. I have other things to do during the day, too. And before I know it, 3 hours have passed and I have not't rested yet and it's almost time to pump again. But I'm still very tired then. So, I tend to delay pumping. Selfish of me, I know, since breast milk is best for baby. I'm worried about my milk supply drying up too. But I'm usually too tired and hungry to pump exactly every 3 or 4 hours. I have no choice but to pump, though, since my baby, who's 2 months old, refuses to take my breast. He screamed every time I tried to get him to suckle directly, except when he was too young to be aware, so I've given up direct breastfeeding.

I'd like to know: are there mothers who pump strictly every 3 or 4 hours, and how do you do it? Are there others who procrastinate, like me? Or have any of you sworn off breastfeeding altogether and only feed formula?
During daytime, I pump strictly every 3 - 5 hours cos like wat u said we gt so mani things to do. Can I know what is the duration that all the mummies pump? Is 30 minutes sufficient?

I realised that my bb sleep well when she latch on the breast which can sometimes drag to 5 hours.

But during nite time, i cant force myself to wake up cos im too tired. Normally I will woke up @ 4am - 5am to EBM. I tried to have my last EBM of the day ard 10 - 11pm.