do you sleep well at night ?


New Member
i wake up often to pee but i can fall straight back to sleep :tlaugh:.. oh I've been getting weird dreams too, don't know why!

ever since my bubba started kicking, i've been waking up at 845am... but before that i used to sleep till 10am... maybe he is training me to wake up early! haha


New Member
Is anyone else getting leg cramps as well when they about to go to sleep? They hurt so much and this interrupts my sleep as I need to get up and stretch it out or it's way too painful! :embarrassed:
*touch wood* i havent had any cramps yet. do you put a pillow below your leg when you sleep? i put two pillows and hug a bolster. also try to stretch my legs a bit before i sleep


Well-Known Member
i wake up often to pee but i can fall straight back to sleep :tlaugh:.. oh I've been getting weird dreams too, dont't know why!

ever since my bubba started kicking, i've been waking up at 845am... but before that i used to sleep till 10am... maybe he is training me to wake up early! haha
weird dream me too !!!... but sometime i cant go back to sleep easily after waking up...dunno why

845am :elvis: so envy...normally 530 i will wake up and i have to force myself back to sleep another hour before officially wake up to get ready for work


New Member
*touch wood* i havent had any cramps yet. do you put a pillow below your leg when you sleep? i put two pillows and hug a bolster. also try to stretch my legs a bit before i sleep
Thanks for the advice! I now sleep with a pillow between my legs on my left side and I find this definitely helps! :Dancing_wub:


New Member
True that it s better to drink more water during to prevent headaches - I was having migranes almost every night, for d past wk.

Also wake up at least 2x for toilet & couldn't sleep after that. So super tiring at office during daytime.

Thanks for all d advices!!! :Dancing_wub:

Now in wk 16.


Hi All,

Just asking.. anyone of you find that every morning when you wake up and go toilet, the urine colour is very yellowish? I find that occurs to me, no matter how much water i take at the day time, it still very yellowish on the next day.


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

Just asking.. anyone of you find that every morning when you wake up and go toilet, the urine colour is very yellowish? I find that occurs to me, no matter how much water i take at the day time, it still very yellowish on the next day.
if during day time when u drink alot and go toilet alot and it is not that yellowish should be ok..cos u need to understand we did not go toilet that often at night the body will clean the body and get rid of the waste and hold it in our bladder so all the accumulation should result in yellowish urine


Hi All,

Just asking.. anyone of you find that every morning when you wake up and go toilet, the urine colour is very yellowish? I find that occurs to me, no matter how much water i take at the day time, it still very yellowish on the next day.
It could be due to those multi vits, calcium and fish oil pills that u are taking too. i think this is quite common.


New Member
does anyone of u feel a bit puky taking plain water??

unless it is cold water if not i alway have a weird taste in my mouth after tat..


does anyone of you feel a bit puky taking plain water??

unless it is cold water if not i alway have a weird taste in my mouth after that..
for me i cant take plain water for now.. be it cold, warm or hot.. so i turn to drinking ribena everyday instead.. but of cos its very very very diluted ribena.. =):Dancing_tongue:


Well-Known Member
it's back to hunt me after giving me a break for 2 months...
last night slept at 12am but woke up at 3am for a short toilet break and thereafter cant go back to sleep until 5.30am and after an hour of sleep got to wake up for wake :( hopefully it is one episode ...


New Member
same here..i'm in my 4th mth now..
woke up at 230am for toilet break, slept awhile and woke up at 430am for another toilet break and couldn't sleep until 6am..feeling so shag now.. its so hard to find a good sleeping position too..

will i be able to sleep better in my later stage ?


Well-Known Member
same here..i'm in my 4th month now..
woke up at 230am for toilet break, slept awhile and woke up at 430am for another toilet break and couldn't sleep until 6am..feeling so shag now.. its so hard to find a good sleeping position too..

will i be able to sleep better in my later stage ?
i'm in my 28 weeks and i am having this problem i seriously doubt it will get any better esp when our tummy get bigger and our hormones still raging :tlaugh:


just checked with gynae, 1st and 3rd trim are like that... it is the body's way of training us up for night feeding when the baby is born:tlaugh:
oh no.. that sounds bad.. i only in my 2nd tri and i am already having problem sleeping at night.. how to have good rest like that...:embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
oh no.. that sounds bad.. i only in my 2nd tri and i am already having problem sleeping at night.. how to have good rest like that...:embarrassed:
she suggest when we have problem going back to sleep, try to do relaxing thgns like listening to music, reading or watch tv but dun toss and turn on the bed it will only make it more diff for us to fall asleep


New Member
I'm in wk 26.. Have problem sleeping especially at nights. Will it affect the baby if I sleep around 4am to 6am and wake up at around 2-3pm? Cause usually I will miss my breakfast which I heard from others that it is very important to have breakfast when you are pregnant?


New Member
Hi all mtb,

Me too, have weird dreams & woke up every 3-4 hours for toilet break. Noticed most of you are already over 15 weeks, anyone have these problem even during 1st trimester??