do you still care for yr looks?


Mummies.. Do u still care for yr looks and figure now that u stay at home most of the time? Or you still make an effort to look good?


of course we care!

can't look like a supermodel with a baby on hand and smelling of milk 24/7 but must be presentable at least hehehe

I think we feel better when we look good yes? It's impt to stay healthy, so it's not just the figure but overall health.


Yes i do!! haha.. not for my hubby sake but for mine! even though I'm lazy at times, just draw eye liner and go out. But I still care about my looks, so I still basic care regime, to make sure my skin still looks good. Must love urself more even though u become a mom. :)


yes.....Still vain...I will still put on make up and dress well when I go out.Just that I only apply concealer to cover up my dark eye ring,lazy to apply powder and foundation.