Do you use baby carriers in the 1st 3 months?


New Member
Hi, Daddy to be here...

Juz want to find out if anyone uses baby carriers during the 1st 3 months and if so, is it neccessary to get one which provides for horizontal carrying (e.g. Cybex i-Go & First-Go)?

Cybex claims that it is bad for a < 3 months old baby to be carried in a seated position.

I've got a Quinny Buzz but it only comes with the standard seat and I feel that it's kinda too exposed for a NB... is a bassinet therefore recommended?

Thanks for the advice..


Well-Known Member
during the 1st few mths, we just put ds in pram. i dont recommend carrier for such young infants as their heads are still unstable, they cant even hold their head up. =)


New Member
i waited till my boy was about 5 weeks because the carrier (Beco Butterfly) had a weight minimum. Before that I used the sarong sling (cradle hold = horizontal carry) or put him in the infant seat carrier. Like you said, it does feel a little exposed to be in the infant carrier so sometimes would drape over his blanket over the handle to create a 'tent' when he's sleeping or you can pull the hood over?


I used a Sleepy Wrap (Sleepy Wrap Stretchy Baby Wrap Carriers) from 1 month onwards. My boy did not like being carried upright when younger than 4mths so I put him in a cradle carry and he loved it. It's super supportive and has even weight distribution, carried him in it when visiting relatives all day during CNY (he was about 2mths+) and was quite comfortable.

The downsides are learning how to tie the wrap and it can get hot if you're going to be outside under the sun for a long time.

Can't help you with the stroller question, I carried him everywhere until he was 4mths old. And I still carry him most places with a Manduca carrier these days.


New Member
Hi, i used sarong sling then after 3mos changed to bjorn air alternate wid mim sling pouch then 1 yer old change to boba carrier. But these are for short trips only of course pram is still more comfortable for longer ride.


i've seen so many mummies carry their barely one month baby in the regular carrier.
very bad for the baby's spine...

they should carry baby in the sling type.

i only started carrying my baby in the regular carrier when she turned 3 months...


New Member
Hi all,

thanks for all the sharing..

I got a Manduca today... It's supposed to be able to carry NBs securely in an upright position.

The best way of cuz is to use a sling-wraps like the Sleepy Wrap until the baby has full neck control.. then switch to regular upright carrier.. However we decided to go for the Manduca which is supposed to be able to last from NB to 20 Kgs..

In any case I will try to minimise use of the carrier until my boy is more than 3 months old..

Any users of Manduca can share on their experiences with the carrier?



use baby sling, and when about 7mths change to BOBA carrier. But with long shopping hours will be in stroller, i will bring my BOBA along, incase she want me to carry her, PS: my gal v heavy. hehe


New Member
I used the sleepy wrap when my bb was only 8 days old. Brought her to PD for her first check-up. Works very well for infant, good support.


New Member
Sleepy wraps n slings r gd for newborns n younger bbs. For bbs above 3 months, ergo carriers like manduca n beco is great for the weight distribution.

But now my boy v naughty, keep punching, pinching n scratching the side of my body with his hands when he's in the manduca becos he wans to turn his body to kpo around. So now we r using Hippychick Hipseat. Though not totally handsfree but still good for his weight to b sitting on my hips instead of my arms n back. Will try the manduca again when he's older.
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I am using the Manducca carrier for my 2mth + boy.. So far, he seems quite comfortable but we have only been to shopping centres while using this carrier.. Reason being that we both perspire a lot, and I am worried that he will overheat if we go outdoors.. We would carry him in our arms / use the stroller when outdoors..

mashmallows - The manducca carrier can be converted such that you are able to carry your boy on your hips.. But I am uncertain whether there is a min weight / height / age to do it..


New Member
Yeah I tried the side hip carry for the manduca. He hates it too. He dun like anything up against his back except my arms lol. He used to b able to sleep in the manduca comfortably but now getting v notti. Want freedom to turn n twist his body to kpo.