Dos ad Donts during 2WW


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I'll be going for my ER on Wednesday and ET on Friday. Following that will be the scary 2WW.

The doctors have advised me against climbing stairs but my room is on the 3rd floor so I'm expecting myself to be trapped in the room for at least a week. The thought of it is freaking me out.

I'm planning to watch drama and read but dun think that can occupy me for the whole week. Appreciate if someone can share what you did during your 2WW. Kindly also share what to avoid during this period. TIA. :) :tlaugh:
Hi Ladies,

I'll be going for my ER on Wednesday and ET on Friday. Following that will be the scary 2WW.

The doctors have advised me against climbing stairs but my room is on the 3rd floor so I'm expecting myself to be trapped in the room for at least a week. The thought of it is freaking me out.

I'm planning to watch drama and read but dun think that can occupy me for the whole week. Appreciate if someone can share what you did during your 2WW. Kindly also share what to avoid during this period. TIA. :) :tlaugh:
Do List during 2ww:
- Continue with supplements (folic acid)
- Eat brazil nuts *heaty
- Drink chicken essence *heaty
- Eat durian *heaty
- Drink red dates+wolfberry+logan drink *heaty
- Drink immunocal
- Eat high protein food (fish & egg whites)
- Drink @ 2L of water daily
- Eat more fruits (kiwi) *prevent constipation
- Walk slowly
- Talk to embbies everyday

Don't List during 2ww:
- Do not do any strenous activity that affect stomach muscle (no squat/bend/climb stairs/lift heavy things)
- Turn to your side and push up with hands when get up of bed
- No sauna/hot tub/hot blanket/hot water bottle/hot pack
- No intercourse
- Do not self-medicate if fall sick
- No raw/seafood/spicy/cooling food (no oyster, sashimi, squid, prawn, watermelon, pineapple, egg-plant, banana, payaya & all double-boiled soup)
- No cold drinks
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New Member
Hi minakochang,
Tks for the dos and dons 2ww info
but I read it too late coz I just failed
my IVF results on the 7/12 ;-{
Maybe I might be going for my 2nd
cycle somewhere in June,appreciate
if u could advise me what are the things should I
do before going for my next cycle

Hi minakochang,
thanks for the dos and dons 2ww info
but I read it too late coz I just failed
my IVF results on the 7/12 ;-{
Maybe I might be going for my 2nd
cycle somewhere in June,appreciate
if you could advise me what are the things should I
do before going for my next cycle

Hi, I also failed my fresh cycle in Aug. I'm currently doing TCM with Dr Zou in AMK & plan for fet next mth. Where was your ivf done and under which doc? Do you have frozen embbies left? You may want to join another forum where its more active..


New Member
Hi minakochang,

Is Dr Zhou locate at Blk 505 Amk Ave 8?how is the treatment like?
I am with Dr Sadhana from KKIVF and I still have 3 embrio left
Hi minakochang,

Is Dr Zhou locate at Blk 505 Amk Ave 8?how is the treatment like?
I am with Dr Sadhana from KKIVF and I still have 3 embrio left
Hi, I'm with Dr SF Loh from KKH. I have 3 embbies frozen too! When do you plan to do fet? Did Dr Sadhana advise natural or medicate fet?

The address for Dr Zou is correct. She will prescribe different TCM during different cycle of mth to take them every morning and night. The TCM taste really terrible! She recommend to go acupunture 2x every wk but she be on going on leave from 19-31Dec. I been with her so far for only 1mth.


New Member
Hi minakochang,

Ohkay,I plan my next fet maybe next yr june.Dr Sadhana did not mention anything abt my
diet and same goes to IVF drs,But I did asked the staff nurse and they only advice me to eat healthy food that it.

My appt with Dr Sadhana will be on 11/01,review my case.i just want to know what she advice.Then i wil decide whether to proceed asap or I might want to seek for other opinion.

Did Dr SL Loh advice you anything?
Hi minakochang,

Ohkay,I plan my next fet maybe next yr june.Dr Sadhana did not mention anything about my
diet and same goes to IVF drs,But I did asked the staff nurse and they only advice me to eat healthy food that it.

My appt with Dr Sadhana will be on 11/01,review my case.i just want to know what she advice.Then i wil decide whether to proceed asap or I might want to seek for other opinion.

Did Dr SL Loh advice you anything?

Dr Loh didn't give any reason for the failure except it is a chemical pregnancy. He asked if my menses is regular & then plan me to do natural fet after cleared 2 cycles.

As I had only had 5 embbies due to short stimulation stage (7 days) and they were fertilised through ICSI. My 2 embbies (grade3 & 4) had assisted hatching done due to thick shell. We asked Dr Loh is it because of the thick shell that we couldn't conceived naturally for years and he advise it depends on the hormones. He didn't say anything about changing diet either.

Anyway, I wasn't ready to start after Nov menses so decided to go Dr Zou & try out traditional chinese medicine first. Dr Zou mention my blood circulation not good & ask me exercise more. From my bbt chart, she said my bbt temp after ovulate is not high enough, it could be the reason why I couldn't hold the pregnancy.


New Member
Hi minakochang,

That is why I really dun understand,the treatment is so expensive and we are still yet to be pregnant.It is good that you go for second opinion at least you know what is right/wrong and I believe I am going do that also;-)

Btw does Dr Zhou speaks English?my fren told me she can only understand chinese.
Hi minakochang,

That is why I really dont understand,the treatment is so expensive and we are still yet to be pregnant.It is good that you go for second opinion at least you know what is right/wrong and I believe I am going do that also;-)

Btw does Dr Zhou speaks English?my friend told me she can only understand chinese.
Dr Zou understand simple English. She have muslim patients. Must remember to make appt before you go. Her place closes on Wed and she will be away from 19-31Dec.