Dr lawrence Ang @ sun plaza


Hi, any comments for dr lawrence ang? I heard that he's good. But i saw some mummies posted he was not very good and etc.. I am currently 4th months pregnant, not yet got a stable gynae.. I am going to dr lawrence ang later and sign his package. But i am worried cause of his reviews..


New Member
Ehmm .. Last time his srvc is good now is so so only :( for my advice is get the hospital in hse doctor, when u going give birth time don't need to wait the doctor come from his/her clinic (what happen when jam) ...
My baby was delivered by Dr Ang by C-sect, I signed up for a package $550. Yes his clinic is very pack but for me his service is good. He's cool &relax type of person.. When I gave birth the total hospital charge was abt $6K, I stayed in 2 bedded room & requested confinement menu from hospital. Once you admitted at the hospital you must pay deposit $1200. Once you sign for a package Dr Ang will tell you abt hospital charges..


New Member
What's Dr Ang's charge for c sec? Thought 6k is a bit high? Sorry. 1st time MTB. Still comparing doctors & prices:)


My baby was delivered by Dr Ang by C-sect, I signed up for a package $550. Yes his clinic is very pack but for me his service is good. He's cool &relax type of person.. When I gave birth the total hospital charge was about $6K, I stayed in 2 bedded room & requested confinement menu from hospital. Once you admitted at the hospital you must pay deposit $1200. Once you sign for a package Dr Ang will tell you about hospital charges..

Hi... his antenatal package still $550? Started at which week? What is including?
It's started when you first time come to his clinic till you are abt to give birth. You can pay a lumpsum of $550 or pay whenever you come up to $550. You better keep the receipt coz if he charge you more than $550 he will return back the balance.
The package incl: 1x blood test, scan, consultation, urine test, vit.