drink water in the middle of night


hello mummy,

ever since i'm breastfeeding, i always drink more than 500ml of water in the nights, as i'm afraid that if i dont drink water, i won't have enough milk in the nights. and by doing this, ive not been sleeping properly as i always wake up to go toilet.
any mummy experience the same??


Well-Known Member
hi shirix, you don't have to drink so much water at night. You need to make sure you rest well, cos being tired and stressed can affect your milk supply as well.

It's good to keep yourself hydrated, but you don't have to force yourself to keep drinking.

I think it's good enough to drink at least a litre in the day. In the beginning I would always make sure I drank at least a litre. Now that my supply is established, I just make sure that I don't go thirsty.

The best way to make sure you have a constant supply of milk is to latch bb on demand, and frequently.


Hi shirix, being well hydrated does help in maintaining your supply. As long as you drink at least 2 litres of water (the std i set for myself) throughout the day, it is ok. I have a friend who drinks water before she breastfeeds to hydrate herself. So if you wanna drink water in the middle of the night, you can drink maybe a cup (250ml) before you feed. That way, you won't wake up especially just to drink water and then later wake up again coz need to pee.
I also drink water when i wake up in the middle of the night, but thinking only why u always go in toilet, u have same situation in my friend :)


I feel the same situation, i also wake up in the middle of the night thinking that i lost my milk so i drink water, but its not that even u
dont drink water or drink your milk will lost.
Even if you don't drink water in the night, don't think you don't have enough supply, as along as you eat food a day.
your supply will maintain what u have :)