Ear piercing for Baby girl?

On hindsight, I wldnt recommend ear piercing until at least 10 years bah ... My gal pierced her ears around 5 years (at her own insistence becos 'all her friends wear earrings') and one of the pierced holes had an infection and eventually closed off cos I decided to remove the stud as it wldnt heal properly.
The other side is ok but the piercing was getting enlarged even though she just wore small studs.
Now she doesnt wear earrings anymore cos I told her to wait till older else the hole gets bigger and bigger and will look like her grandma's ears.
Piercing at 10 months old ?? seriously I find it serve no purpose since the bb is so young and no need to use accessorries at such a tender age bah ...


New Member
Piercing at 10 months old ?? seriously I find it serve no purpose since the bb is so young and no need to use accessorries at such a tender age bah ...
I myself pierced at 13 years because I was vain. My friends who had their ears pierced when they were below 1 was because, according to them, their moms say they won't remember the pain. Haha. May be true. Cos even at 13 I wanted to wail like a baby also. so pain.....


New Member
Hi, any mummies had their baby girl's ears pierced ? what is the youngest age here and any experience to share?
I did for my girl when she was 8 months old. She has no problem until now, she is 2y old now.
The youngest age you can do is 6 month old, That s what one of PD told me.
As for my opinion, if you really want your girl to wear earring better do it earlier, earlier better. Because when they are very young they can't really feel the pain.
My girl only cried for few seconds. Choose the experience and professional ear piercing place.
I went to be dazzled, their staff are quite professional and experienced and they have good qlty of earrings as well.
You will need to clean and drop the solution every day for first month, and be dazzled also give you free after care service, they will tell you what you need to do.
this is just my experience, but it s all up to individual.
hope it helps.

Fyi, in indonesia the mothers will do it for their daughters on the 2nd day after they born...... They said no problem so far ...


New Member
well my wife got my baby ears pierced in the age of 6 month. In my opinion it is the best age and it heal up very soon.


Hi all dno if this is still active. But I'm a nurse and I took my baby girl for ear piercings at 3-4month old bcos I feel she can't rmb the pain and also I can reinforce femininity & beauty. She did well. Cried only for seconds and regain her composure. I did not have any problems and she also doesn't touch her ears.

My point of view, newborn boys get circumcision done. They don't have a say in this, they have no memory of it and most of them have no problems subsequently, what's more this is a sensitive area.

All piercings or surgical wounds have the same concept. Allergies and infections. Therefore to do at a younger age may be better as they don't know what is going on and will not touch the area, it will be better to reduce infection. As for allergies use surgical steel for first time piercings. Don't use those fake coatings. Keep area dry and clean as much as possible and drop the area with alcohol drops.

My girl is alr almost 6 months and I think actually its ready for change of earings as it has healed up nicely, no crust, no discharges. No redness or fever. But I didn't change la. maybe cny I change. :)

Fyi, some countries practice piercing newborn baby girls ears before discharging home from hospital but dno still have or where.

Hopes this help.
I was also 8 months old when my ear got pierced. My daughter's ear pierced also at that young age. I agree that it is better to pierce the ear when it's still a baby because they cannot really feel the pain at the young age. We just make sure that our child are safe being pierced in the ear because others really suffer from allergies.