Ectopic pregnancy ? Please help!

Dear all,

My menses which is supposed to be due by 23 Jan, but it's not here yet. I've been feeling nausea without vomiting & it coupled with mild cramp on both side of lower abdominal. Sometimes twinge sensation can be felt too on both side of lower abdominal. It's worrying me when I google on pregnancy symptoms and found the topic of "ectopic pregnancy" alongside. I worried because i don't have obvious pregnancy symptoms but have similar ectopic symptom for example twinge sensation on both side of abdominal.

Based on the normal pregnancy symptoms, here's my condition:
(a) Nausea- yes but without vomiting, on & off throughout the day, before menses due date.
(b) missed menses - yes but my menses has been late for few days since October last year. So I haven't do pregnancy test yet.
(c) Implantation bleeding or Spotting - don't have, not even spotting
(d) Feel hunger - yes
(e) High temperature - no, feeling cold instead.
(f) tender or sore breast - feel tender sometimes but not sore, could be symptoms of pre-menstrual.
(g) fatigue or tired - not really
(h) Sleepy - yes, mild
(i) cramp - I usually had it during menstrual. But now I have it for days but no menses yet. The cramp is mild and it happen one side at a time.
(j) frequent urination - yes but mild meaning not throughout the day.

Now very stress as I'm over 35years old, chances of having ectopic pregnancy is higher.


Active Member
maybe do a preg test or see yr gynae for scan. Don worry yrself cuz this way will delay yr menses too.


New Member
Hi Secret Garden,
have you done a urine test to verify if you are pregnant? Followed by ultrasound scans (be it external or through vaginal) on your uterus to see if doc can see the sac. sometimes too early, ultrasound also cannot detect the sac too. Gynae may also take your blood test with a gap of 2 days to see how fast your HCG rise. Ectopic pregnancy symtoms are similar to a normal pregnancy... and symptoms vary from ppl to ppl, so best is to get your gynae advice. Dont overworry...just seek gynae advice soon.
I've done pregnancy test this morning, it happened to be a very faint 2nd blue line. So got to do another test 3 days later. Wish me luck ;)
The best way to verify whether you are pregnant is to consult a gynaecologist. You will undergo a simple urine test, and voila! Congratulations if you are!


hi secret garden, i agree with jazzegal. try to verify is you're pregnant. get a pregnancy test kit. it is highly accurate. other than that, need not worry too much. get a good gynea. mine was from KKH, Dr.Shamini. I visited her at private clinic off peak to it's not so long queue and she has more time for us. good luck!! :)