EDD April 2014


For me, after such a long wait, baby is finally turning 21w tomorrow!! and found out during prev scan that I'm expecting a girl :D

Have you found out bby's gender yet?


I'm at week 19 gg to 20th this week. Having my detailed scan this Friday.. gynae say mine's ah boy.. cannot buy all the pretty dresses liao.. haha


Hi everyone, first time mum here, feeling very paranoid at the same time excited over our first baby boy. My edd is 15 April, till now I still yet to feel baby kick and its been one month since my last scan, anyone feeling paranoid as me? Haha


Ya lo... esp since now no more MS, that time I thot why suddenly no more hunger pangs and nauseous.. Recently got a doppler from my friend. I tried to listen to my tummy, but can't tell if its mine or baby's heartbeat.. LOL


New Member
Ohmy! Going 20weeks already and third OB appointment this Thursday for U/S. We are hoping for girl... a friend of mine gave me a baby crib last week. Haven't bought anything yet... so, how's everyone?! Since the 18thweek I always feel my baby move especially during night time before sleep, so I need to find a comfortable position to sleep.


How's e baby move like? I always feel my own heartbeat which I duno how to explain. I feel there is sum activity in my tummy but not exactly baby kick


Wow! This thread revived overnight. Hahahha. I felt bb's first movement at 14w! Now at 21w, the flips, kicks and jabs are very distinct. Sometimes it feels weird to have someone moving in me :O


New Member
I'm 2nd time mom... sometimes I feel my tummy hardened and slowly softens... my baby likes to be on the left side of the tummy or near the pelvic area. :)


2nd time mom here too! I used to sleep well with my 1st baby in me. but now, i cant seem to find any comfortable position!!


No wonder you all can feel so early la.. There's twice I felt some bubbling sensation on the lower right of my pelvis, but not too sure if that's the baby. Do u gers have pregnancy pillow? I am contemplating to get one, but its so expansive here! :(


I didn't get any.. Am contemplating to get one too, but now already halfway thru pregnancy.. Like abit waste money. :001_07: