EDD in APR 2010


ahh.. i so stupid. i went check up and forgot to ask doctor about my baby weight..
u can check ur scan photo which ur doc gave u.. e weight is stated on e photo..

I'm quite worried though my check up is next week, went to KK for check up a couple of days back, doc says I have borderline AFI and there's resistance to the placenta.......thus baby is smaller than average. Was so upset when I heard the news. That's why doctor ask me to go 1 week later to check my waterbag size and baby's weight again. Have to take CTG to record baby's heartbeat. Luckily normal......I'm so scared and worried...haii..
dun worry too much.. hope all goes well for u.. *hugs*

Anyone of you experience loss of appetite and breathlessness now?
my appetite's ok, just that i eat smaller meals now but more frequent.. n yes i feel breathless at times too..


Do we need to book with hospital for room in advance? My gynae didn't mention anything of it yet.

I bought quite a lot baby stuff online recently. You can also take a look at this website. www.ourlittleoneshop.com

hav you mummies prepared your hospital bags n baby stuff? i havent even started yet! haha! but i just need to get my stuff cuz my sis-in-law bought most of my baby's stuff already.. im planning to start shopping this week.. if i keep delaying, i dont think i'd hav e strength to shop anymore.. lately i feel like i get tired easily when i shop n my back n legs will start to ache.. *sigh*

anyway, im looking forward to seeing my gynae this evening! wonder how heavy my boy is now.. hehe..

hope you mummies are getting on well.. just 2 more mths to go!! :Dancing_tongue:


i went for my checkup yesteray.now in week 30.my baby 15.4cm, around 1.5kg.bb head already turn down.doctor say its normal, nv say will delivery early.bb everyday pushing and kicking me, even at night when sleeping.i have felt his little fist and little foot when he do that.when i place my hand there, i can see my hand pop up and down when he do that.my husband put his head at my stomach and my boy punch him.i dont feel pain at all when he push or kick.even very hard i still didnt feel any pain.

currently having swelling foot, walk very painful.my veins is painful, every part of my foot is pain when i touch it. But only for my right foot.doctor say slowly the whole leg will swells too.i've apply cream still the same.its been 2 weeks already.i cnt walk too fast or turn my foot suddenly. i will feel terribly painful when i do so.llike when i walk down the bus i feel so painful.

doctor say i can drink tea and coffee now but moderate.pineapple tarts is fine too.

now starts to see gynae every 2 weekly. i scare might delivery early, hvnt pack my hospital bag and get all my bb stuffs yet.just bought some things only.

Mrs morgan:the nurse say she booked for me mount a, the room will depends on the day i delivery,whether there is what types of bedder available that day. they cannot book the bed, only can book for me the delivery there.my 2nd childcare classes will be on exercise. looking forward to it on 20 feb 10.


Hy every body ,

my wife EDD is 15 Apr 2010
hi welcome! is it ur first child? hope ur wife's coping well with her pregnancy! =)

how are e other apr 2010 mtb? i feel like my baby has dropped lower n i dont really enjoy going out like how i used to.. haha.. and my backache is getting worst too! *sigh*

any of u bought breast pumps yet? i plan to bf so im currently reading up reviews on breast pumps.. might get one nxt mth..

just 1mth+ to go ladies!! :Dancing_tongue:


Active Member
hi welcome! is it your first child? hope your wife's coping well with her pregnancy! =)

how are e other apr 2010 mtb? i feel like my baby has dropped lower n i dont really enjoy going out like how i used to.. haha.. and my backache is getting worst too! *sigh*

any of you bought breast pumps yet? i plan to bf so im currently reading up reviews on breast pumps.. might get one nxt month..

just 1mth+ to go ladies!! :Dancing_tongue:
Yeah... my baby dropped oreadi but havent engaged yet. I dun enjoy going out too! Lol.. backache is getting bad too. Been having strong BH now. Was hospitalised due to the contractions, it was too regular and near to each other so doc tried to stopped it.

I've bought Avent Isis IQ electrical breastpump last month with whole package, with bag, cooler and some bottles.. only $150 promotion. Wanted to let everyone knows abt the promotion but the day i bought was last day.


u were hospitalised?? oh dear.. hope u're alright now! e avent pump u bought is e single electric one is it? thinking of getting avent too cuz i read that e petals feel really comfortable.. hope there'll be a promotion for it again soon..

my nxt check-up will be on 1st march.. thinking of asking my gynae if there's any chance i'll deliver early since smetimes i feel like my waterbag is abt to break! LOL :tlaugh:


New Member
hi welcome! is it your first child? hope your wife's coping well with her pregnancy! =)

how are e other apr 2010 mtb? i feel like my baby has dropped lower n i dont really enjoy going out like how i used to.. haha.. and my backache is getting worst too! *sigh*

any of you bought breast pumps yet? i plan to bf so im currently reading up reviews on breast pumps.. might get one nxt month..

just 1mth+ to go ladies!! :Dancing_tongue:
How to tell if baby 'dropped' i'm aching the same, so i can't tell.. except that i do feel more intense hardening throughout the day which i can't exactly differentiate if it's BH or baby moving, oh and also when i'm tensed up or agitated i get it too.

My legs are aching way more, esp standing, walking, or sitting cross legged. But I still do my daily brisk walks, and during then my legs feel fine, think it's the footwear.

I just bought a 2nd hnd medela PIS advanced. no idea how to use, but simply told that electric is better than manual, but manual would be better got outdoors la.

Feeling heavy, huge and can't sleep well, certain position can literally stop my breathing. it's horrid! :embarrassed:


New Member
Mrs morgan:the nurse say she booked for me mount a, the room will depends on the day i delivery,whether there is what types of bedder available that day. they cannot book the bed, only can book for me the delivery there.my 2nd childcare classes will be on exercise. looking forward to it on 20 feb 10.
my gynae booked for me the 4-bedder at mt A, but i don't know if confirmed. and i'm also doing my classes. just went for second class (mine on friday) on exercise with physiotherapist. But abit awkward coz everyone has hubby with them, so weird i'm alone...


How to tell if baby 'dropped' i'm aching the same, so i can't tell.. except that i do feel more intense hardening throughout the day which i can't exactly differentiate if it's BH or baby moving, oh and also when i'm tensed up or agitated i get it too.

My legs are aching way more, esp standing, walking, or sitting cross legged. But I still do my daily brisk walks, and during then my legs feel fine, think it's the footwear.

I just bought a 2nd hnd medela PIS advanced. no idea how to use, but simply told that electric is better than manual, but manual would be better got outdoors .

Feeling heavy, huge and can't sleep well, certain position can literally stop my breathing. it's horrid! :embarrassed:
i just feel like when im walking, bb seems to be pressing dwn below.. feels like he's "dropping".. haha! i feel e same like u too.. when i stay hm, i feel so restless n feel like my back n legs ache more so i go out.. then when im outside, i feel like i cant walk n just feel like goin hm to lie dwn n rest! cant stand e breathlessness too! sigh.. just hope that e days will go by fast..

was considering those dual electric pumps but they're so ex n hubby doesnt allow me to buy 2nd hand one so i might just settle for a single electric pump instead..
My baby is still happily in sitting position with no sign of turning head down...i hope i dun have to go for c-sect:embarrassed:


Active Member
you were hospitalised?? oh dear.. hope you're alright now! e avent pump you bought is e single electric one is it? thinking of getting avent too cuz i read that e petals feel really comfortable.. hope there'll be a promotion for it again soon..

my nxt check-up will be on 1st march.. thinking of asking my gynae if there's any chance i'll deliver early since smetimes i feel like my waterbag is about to break! LOL :tlaugh:
Im alrite now.. i think. Lol. I had Avent's manual pump for my 1st baby and i muz say its good, the petals r really comfortable and i get lots of let-downs but juz too tiring to keep pumping. Hands all aching, tats y i ask hubby to buy me the electrical one. The promotion was for the single electrical pump.

My next appt will be on 11th march, not sure why mine still not every two weeks...


New Member
this few days my legs started to cramp and aching.
walk like a handicap. Zzz
movement of my girl getting stronger each day.
kick like nobody care.

my next check up will be at 2nd of march.


Active Member
this few days my legs started to cramp and aching.
walk like a handicap. Zzz
movement of my girl getting stronger each day.
kick like nobody care.

my next check up will be at 2nd of march.
Same!!! Walking like an old penguin now. So hard to move around quick. Now my boy seldom kicks, now he moves one side to the other... sometime soooo painful.


New Member
My baby is still happily in sitting position with no sign of turning head down...i hope i dont have to go for c-sect:embarrassed:
Hi Excited Mommies,

We are all delivering around April. My little tiger hasn't turned his head down yet. Hubby and me been talking to him, seem like he is enjoying his position facing upwards. I can also feel his kicks getting more and more intense during the night. He simply loves to elbow me!! I hope i dont't end up C-section too. Going to see my gynae this Saturday, if he hasn't turned his head by then, i think i have to prepare myself for C-Section already.

Oh yes, sleep is getting more and more difficult. I used to sleep very well, but the last two months the tummy is getting more heavier, and sleeping on the side is simply not comfortable. Anyone able to recommend which way to sleep better.

My legs are also swollen, and movements these days are so much slower. I constantly telling myself, i am having lazy legs now. I can't wait to meet my little tiger soon. :D


yup smetimes it hurts when baby moves.. can feel his joints! when im sleepin on my side n he moves, it feels quite ticklish too.. haha! we are advised to sleep on our left side so what i do to make myself a bit comfortable is to place a small pillow below my tummy.. it eases e backache smetimes..

anyway, when shld baby's head be engaged? roughly by which week in order to avoid c-sect?? :eek: