EDD in APR 2010


New Member
had a horrid episode of breathlessness today, while sitting at church, suddenly vision narrows, like greying lights, then involuntary cold sweat, then body felt tingly, i rushed to the toilet, sat down, felt like puking, but had a quick dump instead, then the whole body felt very weak, just felt like lying down, all the while gasping for air, deep breaths with not much intake, then the cold sweat got worse. This lasted for at least half an hour until the ushers noticed me lean against the wall to take me to a couch to lie down to recover.

is this normal or at least experienced by anyone here? because i ask my gynae, he simply said baby pressing, so breathless LOR. i went to GP, he said to ask gynae... ???!! this isn't the first episode and i am darn afraid that i might faint one day while i'm out, that wouldn't be funny.
had a horrid episode of breathlessness today, while sitting at church, suddenly vision narrows, like greying lights, then involuntary cold sweat, then body felt tingly, i rushed to the toilet, sat down, felt like puking, but had a quick dump instead, then the whole body felt very weak, just felt like lying down, all the while gasping for air, deep breaths with not much intake, then the cold sweat got worse. This lasted for at least half an hour until the ushers noticed me lean against the wall to take me to a couch to lie down to recover.

is this normal or at least experienced by anyone here? because i ask my gynae, he simply said baby pressing, so breathless . i went to GP, he said to ask gynae... ???!! this isn't the first episode and i am darn afraid that i might faint one day while i'm out, that wouldn't be funny.
I had this just last week but not as severe as yours, my gynae put me on CTG as she said it might be signs of early labour.
I think you do better visit your gynae soon and see what he/she says.



Active Member
had a horrid episode of breathlessness today, while sitting at church, suddenly vision narrows, like greying lights, then involuntary cold sweat, then body felt tingly, i rushed to the toilet, sat down, felt like puking, but had a quick dump instead, then the whole body felt very weak, just felt like lying down, all the while gasping for air, deep breaths with not much intake, then the cold sweat got worse. This lasted for at least half an hour until the ushers noticed me lean against the wall to take me to a couch to lie down to recover.

is this normal or at least experienced by anyone here? because i ask my gynae, he simply said baby pressing, so breathless . i went to GP, he said to ask gynae... ???!! this isn't the first episode and i am darn afraid that i might faint one day while i'm out, that wouldn't be funny.
I get that episodes quite alot too. I've done ecg and ctg but all went well. I have fainting spells too, tats why i scared to go out alone. If anything happen to me, i kanchiong.


New Member
I had this just last week but not as severe as yours, my gynae put me on CTG as she said it might be signs of early labour.
I think you do better visit your gynae soon and see what he/she says.
I get that episodes quite alot too. I've done ecg and ctg but all went well. I have fainting spells too, tats why i scared to go out alone. If anything happen to me, i kanchiong.
oh no! ok ok. my gynae not that enthused with the questions i pose, yet can't change gynae now. but if it's early labour, that's really dangerous!!! and truly each time this happens it feels horrible, don't know if i can get out of it alive... if labour is like that i'll sign up for c-sect right away lor... i've done ecg before, but what is ctg?


my gynae booked for me the 4-bedder at mt A, but i dont't know if confirmed. and i'm also doing my classes. just went for second class (mine on friday) on exercise with physiotherapist. But abit awkward coz everyone has hubby with them, so weird i'm alone...
i also attended my 2nd class but on sat. also hv one lady came alone.if possible get husband to go.


Well-Known Member
Went for the check up ytd, baby had already turned head down.
Think she did that when hubby was patting my tummy lightly,talking to her, then suddenly I felt an intense pressure to my lower abdomen, I immediately yell at hubby to stop pressing so hard. haha he was so shocked and so scared that he had hurt me somehow. Only then I realised that it was the baby's movement. =p

Yeah I used to sleep very well also, but recently baby is very active in the middle of the night, especially when I'm lying now sideways, she'll be kicking/elbowing at whatever side I'm lying on. *sigh*, have to keep shifting around until she and I are happy and comfortable. My leg cramps are getting more frequent, and felt as if the muscles on my lower calves tightened quite a bit as well. Luckily both legs take turns, 1 at a time, or else I probably can't move.

Isn't CTG to take the heart beat rate or something like that?
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oh no! ok ok. my gynae not that enthused with the questions i pose, yet can't change gynae now. but if it's early labour, that's really dangerous!!! and truly each time this happens it feels horrible, dont't know if i can get out of it alive... if labour is like that i'll sign up for c-sect right away ... i've done ecg before, but what is ctg?
CTG is to measure the baby's heart rate and whether there is any contractions. It takes 30 mins, you will have to lie down and be strap on bed to a machine.


My baby is still happily in sitting position with no sign of turning head down...i hope i dont have to go for c-sect:embarrassed:
HI Littlemoomoo.
I have a friends just only deliver 2 weeks ago.she was very worry that a baby head facing up untill her 40 weeks pregnt.so doctor ask her to prepare for her c-sect.bt the baby turn when she got a labour pain.so she giving normal birth.so dnt stress yourself.talk to your baby always.as wat i do now.my edd on march.so atleast you have time to talk to your baby.


Active Member
oh no! ok ok. my gynae not that enthused with the questions i pose, yet can't change gynae now. but if it's early labour, that's really dangerous!!! and truly each time this happens it feels horrible, dont't know if i can get out of it alive... if labour is like that i'll sign up for c-sect right away ... i've done ecg before, but what is ctg?
CTG is for the baby's heartbeat and contractions. ECG is for my chest pains..


New Member
next check up on monday, 1st march, hopefully he'll spare time to check on me proper. been going to GPs which doesn't justify since i've already paid my gynae... hope to find out if little one is already in the right position.

also have been VERY tired after a short while upright, but when it comes to sleeping i'm still tossing a whole lot till 3+ before slowly drifting off. too much aches, peeing, pain in my ribs, chest. some people say can see the shape of the foot when little one kicks, never seen before leh. or is it still too early?:we2Randy-git:


hav any of u experienced dizzy spells before? i woke up to pee at 5am n my head was spinning! even when i went back to bed, i felt like my room was spinning! when i woke up at 10, i thought i felt fine but e moment i got off e bed, i felt giddy again! i felt like that for almost e whole day.. there were times in between when i felt fine but suddenly i will feel giddy again, especially when i looked dwn then looked up.. i hav experienced this before but only for a short while n nt for a whole day! i hope i'll be fine when i wake up tmr morn, if not i think i better see my gynae.. haizz so worried.. =/
hav any of you experienced dizzy spells before? i woke up to pee at 5am n my head was spinning! even when i went back to bed, i felt like my room was spinning! when i woke up at 10, i thought i felt fine but e moment i got off e bed, i felt giddy again! i felt like that for almost e whole day.. there were times in between when i felt fine but suddenly i will feel giddy again, especially when i looked dwn then looked up.. i hav experienced this before but only for a short while n not for a whole day! i hope i'll be fine when i wake up tomorrow morn, if not i think i better see my gynae.. haizz so worried.. =/

I had that dizzy spell due to low blood pressure, my gynae says i will have to sit down to "auto correct" my body.

Today woke up with heavy ankles (as if i had sandbags on my ankles) and aching lower body. Felt so weak and can't walk properly.

I guess all of us will experience more symptoms as we progress in our pregnancy.

Shisanyee, dun worry, my gynae also the type not very enthu but when she heard about my stomach ache and cold sweat, she was very concern. So just let ur gynae know what happen to u and request for CTG if you are worried, it cost about $30 to do the CTG for peace of mind.



saw my gynae just now, blood pressure's normal.. he just told me to rest n drink or eat something sweet whenever i feel giddy. baby's now 2kg.. i thought he's of a gd weight at 32 wks but gynae told me to eat more.. i think im alr eating quite a lot, hw much more can i eat?? :err:


New Member
Shisanyee, dont worry, my gynae also the type not very enthu but when she heard about my stomach ache and cold sweat, she was very concern. So just let your gynae know what happen to you and request for CTG if you are worried, it cost about $30 to do the CTG for peace of mind.

yeah i'd probably do that, and i'll take my mum along coz usually when i go for check up alone, he does everything chop chop and hardly listens when i have questions, and doesn't give me a snapshot of my scan. actually the previous few episodes i already told him during last visit, he just heard me, not really listening though.


saw my gynae just now, blood pressure's normal.. he just told me to rest n drink or eat something sweet whenever i feel giddy. baby's now 2kg.. i thought he's of a good weight at 32 wks but gynae told me to eat more.. i think im already eating quite a lot, hw much more can i eat?? :err:
have my checkup yesterday, my baby 1.9kg at 32 weeks.my gynae never tell me to eat more :( guess its normal.my gynae said his head is now very low but never say will early delivery.i hope my baby will come out in mature stage.so far havnt experience any sign of contractions yet.after 36 wks have to go every week for checkup already.

everyday will feel baby moving, can feel the joints and elbow poppint up and down everytimes.still having swollen feet.after some stretching exercises and leg massage feel much better now.at least can walk faster and not so painful.

attended my 3rd lesson on sat, learn some labour breathing techniques.next lesson finally back to theory, no need to sit on rubber map so will leg cramp.-.- 3 more lessons to go.
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Anyone have stretchmarks?? juz notice i have stretch marks today... so sad.... these few days lower stomach very itchy, ask my hubby help me see, he say dun have, then today itchy again ask my mum help me see, she say stretchmarks T_T..... how to get rid of it?????? die liao... ugly stretch marks


Anyone have stretchmarks?? just notice i have stretch marks today... so sad.... these few days lower stomach very itchy, ask my hubby help me see, he say dont have, then today itchy again ask my mum help me see, she say stretchmarks T_T..... how to get rid of it?????? die ... ugly stretch marks
i read that stretchmarks are something we cant avoid.. it's either we hav it or we dont.. aft delivery will become lighter.. that's y i never bothered to apply those creams.. :001_302:


Anyone have stretchmarks?? just notice i have stretch marks today... so sad.... these few days lower stomach very itchy, ask my hubby help me see, he say dont have, then today itchy again ask my mum help me see, she say stretchmarks T_T..... how to get rid of it?????? die ... ugly stretch marks

I just spotted two stretch marks this morning at the lower part of my tummy. Thought I won't have it since I am now at 34th week. Too bad, it comes. People said when it appears, it will come a lot later...I immediately applies some stretch marks cream. Hope it helps!



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