EDD in APR 2010


how are all e apr mtb? busy preparing for bb's arrival? my hospital bag is still nt fully packed yet.. hehe.. just bought pyjamas frm bugis for $7 each.. left to buy stroller, carrier n some other small items.. cant wait for e coming bb fairs! :wong19:

btw, any of ur gynaes tested u for gbs strep? :err:


Well-Known Member
When do they usually test for GBS ?

Not sure if they'll test it at my next visit which will be 2 weeks from now.

haha, I still have not start packing my hospital bag, half the stuff at my IL's place and other half at my parents'. So now trying to gather everything together first.

Still have not bought the bed, stroller and toiletries, think should have gotten the rest of the stuff....hopefully...I did not miss anything out. Hubby and I are waiting for the upcoming babyfairs to get the rest of the items. Hopefully not too crowded.


Active Member
Ladies... i've been having menses cramp like kinda pains and when i have BH, my back and sides of my tum-tum hurts me.. anyone experiencing tis n wat does it means?? And recently, my rite thigh suddenly hurts me too. Y??? Anyone care to share any experiences or anyone having same problems?
how are all e apr mtb? busy preparing for baby's arrival? my hospital bag is still not fully packed yet.. hehe.. just bought pyjamas frm bugis for $7 each.. left to buy stroller, carrier n some other small items.. cant wait for e coming baby fairs! :wong19:

btw, any of your gynaes tested you for gbs strep? :err:
After procrastinating for 3 days, i finally packed my hospital bag yesterday! But have yet to wash the baby clothes to pack them in.
Saw this 7 in 1 play pen which i intend to use as baby cot as it comes with mosquito net and changing unit as well. Only for price of $119 which i thought i can never get this price out there...still keeping my options open in case there is something better at the fairs. :001_302:

Had protein in my urine stick so gynae took sample to do all bacterial checks including GBS i think.


Well-Known Member
Ladies... i've been having menses cramp like kinda pains and when i have BH, my back and sides of my tum-tum hurts me.. anyone experiencing tis n what does it means?? And recently, my rite thigh suddenly hurts me too. Y??? Anyone care to share any experiences or anyone having same problems?
Yeah me too, I have been having menses cramp like pains. I had told the doctor at my last visit at 32 weeks. She had just said that unless the pain is intolerable and had spread throughout the stomach then come back to hospital. Its my left thigh joints that hurt at times.


New Member
Went for 2nd opinion yesterday coz regular gynae want to do c-sect. Now at least have option to go natural.

Other than cramp + pain + ache, anyone getting impatient and frustrated with clothing? I've been getting very short tempered because of my pants and bras. Pants cannot fit, but no point buying since 1 mth left. Bra must buy coz cannot don't wear. I am losing patience because every single triumph or sorella or any cheap brand does not have size, not to mention this would be my 6th or 7th time buying bras during this pregnancy coz the previous bra starts to 'cut' my breast due to tightness or small cup size. Even the millions of extentions i bought are not enough.

I just bought cheap 85D bra yesterday, and they don't fit today. Getting extremely irritated already.


Well-Known Member
I gave up on fitting into my pants in my first trimester. haha. For the rest of my pregnancy, been relying on leggins or those stretchable tights. But the last few weeks been wearing more dresses.

Bra, I bought the nursing bras at the Robinson sale at the expo a month ago. so been relying on them for the rest of my pregnancy.


shisanyee, so u're with a new gynae now? y were u told to go for c-sect previously??

i still havent buy nursing bras n breast pads to pack in my hosp bag cuz not sure what size to get n dunno which breast pads are e most comfortable cuz scared some might make my boobs itch.. :001_302:

are all ur hosp bags ready??


New Member
After procrastinating for 3 days, i finally packed my hospital bag yesterday! But have yet to wash the baby clothes to pack them in.
Saw this 7 in 1 play pen which i intend to use as baby cot as it comes with mosquito net and changing unit as well. Only for price of $119 which i thought i can never get this price out there...still keeping my options open in case there is something better at the fairs. :001_302:

Had protein in my urine stick so gynae took sample to do all bacterial checks including GBS i think.
where can i get the 7 in 1 play pen u mentioned?

thanks a lot!


New Member
my doc told me to go c-sect coz i have no option to have an epidural if i want one, so he doesn't even want me to attempt natural. The second gynae is pro-natural delivery, and he thinks i have a rather wide pelvis (dunno to laff or cry, means i f-a-t) so should be able to deliver naturally, can still use jabs and gas for pain relief, and forceps or vacuum if needed.

I haven;t officially changed the gynae yet, coz my $700 package will go to waste, and the new gynae won't let me have a package at this stage. Will be telling my regular gynae i wanna go for natural, if he insists otherwise then no choice gotta change. coz during delivery we r at the mercy of the gynae, if he says taking too long to deliver, gotta cut me up then bo pian...

Haha, my bag not packed yet, still fretting over bras. Best part, it is recommended to bring a few nursing bras bigger size than what we're wearing now.. WHERE TO FIND!??!


ouh i see.. but then if on D-Day u really cant tahan e pain n start to get distressed can do emer c-sect right.. so i think ur gynae shldnt just judge ur pain threshold.. many mummies delivered w/o e help of epi too what.. hmm

my bestie also has e same prob as u.. cant find bras.. but i think u better start searching now before ur energy to shop runs out! :001_302:


New Member
my doc told me to go c-sect coz i have no option to have an epidural if i want one, so he doesn't even want me to attempt natural. The second gynae is pro-natural delivery, and he thinks i have a rather wide pelvis (dont know to laff or cry, means i f-a-t) so should be able to deliver naturally, can still use jabs and gas for pain relief, and forceps or vacuum if needed.

I have not;t officially changed the gynae yet, coz my $700 package will go to waste, and the new gynae won't let me have a package at this stage. Will be telling my regular gynae i wanna go for natural, if he insists otherwise then no choice gotta change. coz during delivery we r at the mercy of the gynae, if he says taking too long to deliver, gotta cut me up then bo pian...

Haha, my bag not packed yet, still fretting over bras. Best part, it is recommended to bring a few nursing bras bigger size than what we're wearing now.. WHERE TO FIND!??!
im also "waiting" to buy my nursing bras. Attended prenatal classes and was advised to get nursing bras only in 38th week. Currently 35 weeks. I also thought later too tired to go shopping.. but i can feel my breasts growing and tingly these days. If buy bigger now end up not comfy or too small, so i decided to heed advice.. buy in 38th week. I should be heading to Marks n Spencers.
where can i get the 7 in 1 play pen you mentioned?

thanks a lot!
I saw it at Kiddy Palace, the brand is Latido Model#PY008.

You can view it from this website too:

Do go down to Kiddy palace to take a look, my hubby and i felt it is quite good.

For nursing bras, i bought mine from departmental store, the brand is eternity..cheap cheap and very soft material. I bought 1 size bigger as i know i dun think i will go out moving around by 36th weeks onwards..hee

Hopefully the taka and expo sales have nursing bras for sale as well. :)

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New Member
ouh i see.. but then if on D-Day you really cant tahan e pain n start to get distressed can do emer c-sect right.. so i think your gynae shldnt just judge your pain threshold.. many mummies delivered w/o e help of epi too what.. hmm

my bestie also has e same prob as you.. cant find bras.. but i think you better start searching now before your energy to shop runs out! :001_302:
Yah lor so my plan is to go for natural, and persevere... try to avoid any c-sect, emergency or not, esp the long recovery time. pray that bb is co-operative and labour progresses well, or else also must do c-sect. haiz...

im also "waiting" to buy my nursing bras. Attended prenatal classes and was advised to get nursing bras only in 38th week. Currently 35 weeks. I also thought later too tired to go shopping.. but i can feel my breasts growing and tingly these days. If buy bigger now end up not comfy or too small, so i decided to heed advice.. buy in 38th week. I should be heading to Marks n Spencers.
i went mothercare, the salesperson told me 8mths can buy nursing bra already coz won't expand too much... UNTRUE~!!! I've expanded again... :embarrassed: i also dunno if i have strength to go shopping for bra, and wonder if babyfair sell nursing bra... but confirm super crowded


littlemoomoo, where did u get e eternity nursing bra? hw much?

shisanyee, hope u'll hav a smooth normal delivery n can tahan e pain so no need for epi!

im going to e taka fair on thurs.. will let u guys knw what gd deals there are!


New Member
i'm really curious and pretty confused about the hospital bills.

in a scenario where i opt for natural birth, and then say that labour does not progress well, that eventually i require an emergency c-sect with GA, then do I have to calculate my gynae charges based on cost of natural birth + cost of c-sect + cost of anesthetist GA? OR just cost of GA + c-sect?

anyone knows?


Hemorrhoid piles during pregnancy

Dear all,

I am at my 35th week with our first child. Yesterday I found I have developed pile.there is one swollen pile coming out of my bottom.

I'm scared when i go in to labour ...

Did any of you have same problem like me? Any suggestion?

Many thanks..
littlemoomoo, where did you get e eternity nursing bra? hw much?

shisanyee, hope you'll hav a smooth normal delivery n can tahan e pain so no need for epi!

im going to e taka fair on thurs.. will let you guys knw what good deals there are!
I bought the bras at Giants, i think it is sold in major departmental stores too.


Well-Known Member
oh is there nursing bras at Giant? Didn't see it. Will keep a lookout for it next time i go.

I just bought about 3 nursing bras at the Robinson's sale at the expo. Can't rem what brand, but very soft and comfy. I don't think my breasts will expand too much at this point of time. But then I'm an A-cup to start with. =p. The sales person advised me to get 1-2 sizes larger than my usual size. So even though its slightly bigger, still feel comfortable wearing it.

Ocean: Try to drinks lots of water ,take in more prunes and fibre. At least I find taking prunes help me. I have some constipation, and if I take prunes, usually have no problems going to the toilet. Also, at your next check up, its best to tell the doctor that you are having piles.

ahh..I'm super confused about the hospital charges as well!!
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