EDD in APR 2010


Active Member
nsync su, wow looks like you'll be e first one in apr mtb thread to pop! so excited for you!! dont forget to update us ya! you better start attending to all e preparations now.. n dont forget your hospital bag! :tlaugh:
Thanks babe!
I've already packed my hospital bag and now juz waiting for the time to come. I'll update u ladies once everything is settled. Thanks and wish me good luck!
Hi Littlemoomoo,

Did you talk to your gynae about your piles? What did he say? Is there anything we can do to make it better?

I really worry if it will effect to our labor in April.
Hi Ocean,

My gynae gave me Lactulose, Fybergel to drink and also Proctosedyl ointment to apply at the sore area down under.
The ointment is quite effective, i din need to drink the lactulose and fibergel to loosen my bowels.


Congrats! You must be so excited!!~~

oh! I didn't know taking coconut water will cause weak legs, I heard that its good for the baby's skin. Did your friend take enough calcium? Because wouldnt weak legs be caused by insufficent calcium intake?

Hubby's grandma ask me to take. But then I take once a week. They say its better to take later on in the pregnancy.
Hi Renzie,

I think can take but in moderation, my friend took gynae prescribed 1000mg calcium every day too but i guess she drank too much.
Her baby did come out clean and jaundice level is low.

Pros and cons i guess...


Hi Ocean,

My gynae gave me Lactulose, Fybergel to drink and also Proctosedyl ointment to apply at the sore area down under.
The ointment is quite effective, i did not need to drink the lactulose and fibergel to loosen my bowels.

Hi Littlemoomoo,

My gynae said it is quite common to have piles during the 3rd trimester pregnancy. He asked me to visit any family clinic to get some ointment. So this morning I went to polyclinic, the doctor gave me two tube of Lignocaine Jelly to apply twice a day. She said it can only help to release the pain, not to cure the piles. but she said I can go for normal delivery and sometimes the piles will be cured itself right after the labor.

But my friend told me, she also have piles during her pregnancy but it lasts till now. She still have piles after so many years. So I am still a bit worry about it. :(


went for checkup on thurs and bb's 2.2kg at wk 34.. gynae told me to eat more again.. sigh.. nxt checkup in 2wks time..


yah checked with other mummies, seems like bb's of average weight so nothing to worry abt.. there are some whose babies are less than 2kg at wk 34.. im also eating as per normal.. dont intend to gorge myself unnecessarily..

i get tired easily lately n dunno y today my left ribcage so pain! tried changing positions n all but baby seems contented on staying put! =/

hmm.. wonder hw's nsync_su now?? maybe pop alr.. :001_302:
Hi Littlemoomoo,

My gynae said it is quite common to have piles during the 3rd trimester pregnancy. He asked me to visit any family clinic to get some ointment. So this morning I went to polyclinic, the doctor gave me two tube of Lignocaine Jelly to apply twice a day. She said it can only help to release the pain, not to cure the piles. but she said I can go for normal delivery and sometimes the piles will be cured itself right after the labor.

But my friend told me, she also have piles during her pregnancy but it lasts till now. She still have piles after so many years. So I am still a bit worry about it. :(
Yah, if piles is severe, it might stay on, but dun worry so much, as long as baby is healthy, after birth we can deal with it. :)

Below the link for this week's expo baby fair:
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Active Member
yah checked with other mummies, seems like baby's of average weight so nothing to worry about.. there are some whose babies are less than 2kg at wk 34.. im also eating as per normal.. dont intend to gorge myself unnecessarily..

i get tired easily lately n dont know y today my left ribcage so pain! tried changing positions n all but baby seems contented on staying put! =/

hmm.. wonder hw's nsync_su now?? maybe pop already.. :001_302:
Hehehehe... not yet. Still waiting to pop. Will see my gynae tis thursday with my last scan. Will know my boy's weight then.
Now my legs all pain.. so hard to move ard and standing up is even worst. Sleeping?? Lagi worst! Lol.


Hehehehe... not yet. Still waiting to pop. Will see my gynae tis thursday with my last scan. Will know my boy's weight then.
Now my legs all pain.. so hard to move around and standing up is even worst. Sleeping?? Lagi worst! Lol.
aiyah.. suspense la u.. thot pop alr! haha! update us aft ur checkup or aft u pop ok! :Dancing_tongue:

i also cant slp well nowadays.. getting up to go pee is a chore! haizz what to do.. just hav to tahan for a while more.. =)
Hehehehe... not yet. Still waiting to pop. Will see my gynae tis thursday with my last scan. Will know my boy's weight then.
Now my legs all pain.. so hard to move around and standing up is even worst. Sleeping?? Lagi worst! Lol.
All the best! Do update us when u pop!



Well-Known Member
aiyah.. suspense you.. thot pop already! haha! update us after your checkup or after you pop ok! :Dancing_tongue:

i also cant sleep well nowadays.. getting up to go pee is a chore! haizz what to do.. just hav to tahan for a while more.. =)
haha I can't sleep well too. I sleep on my left hand side, baby does somersault there, I turn to the right hand side, baby elbow me there. No position is comfortable!!

yup, getting up to pee in the middle is a chore as well. So i try to avoid drinking too much water before I sleep..but somehow will still need to go toilet.


ALL THE BEST!!~~ Yup do update us. I wish to pop soon too....but then...I think of the confinement period..and the lochia..oh no.....
haha same here.. feel like delivering early but when i think of how e labour pain will be like, i tell myself it's ok.. better enjoy my last few weeks w/o baby first! lol


I am having terrible back ache these days, when I have to turn around during sleeping time, my bones make those crackings sounds and when i have to stand and walk, my pevis bone are so painful....

sometimes feel like giving birth earlier so can end these pain, but thinking that baby organs not fully mature yet... I bear with it lor...
I am having terrible back ache these days, when I have to turn around during sleeping time, my bones make those crackings sounds and when i have to stand and walk, my pevis bone are so painful....

sometimes feel like giving birth earlier so can end these pain, but thinking that baby organs not fully mature yet... I bear with it ...

Me too! I have all those bones cracking sound when i turn, stand and walk..pelvis bone painful as well when i lie on my sides. Feel like an old lady now.

I am still worrying abt going for c-sect..my baby still hasn't turn yet. :embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
I have occasional backaches, my feet has swollen due to water retention..and getting leg cramps easily...


Don't worry, everything will work out fine in the end. Talk to your baby more.


littlemoomoo, im also nt sure if baby's in e right position alr or not.. can only ask doc during nxt checkup which is nxt thurs..


Me too! I have all those bones cracking sound when i turn, stand and walk..pelvis bone painful as well when i lie on my sides. Feel like an old lady now.

I am still worrying about going for c-sect..my baby still hasn't turn yet. :embarrassed:

same same.... so painful....... feel like crying sometimes, pain


Well-Known Member
Mine is water retention all around. even bending my fingers can be a chore. Feeling like a balloon. haiizz..