EDD May 2014 (maybe)


What a coincidence! My baby estimated EDD is on 28 May 2014 too! :)

Gg for another scan this Saturday to confirm EDD cos previous was too early to determine. . Looking forward to this Saturday to meet my little one with my hubby..


Jiayou all! We'll fight this out tog! My mil also finds it ridiculous that i cannot take certain smells.. previous pregnancy i stayed alone w hubby.. now w mil.. she trys to cook this and that.. swings frm one extreme to another.. she thinks vinegar is appetising, so she cooked vinegar stuff, smell like rubbish dump to me..puked throughout her cooking and couldn't eat at the table.. she continues to fry her garlic amd fish every day which is super pungent.. she dun understand why i cannot take it and is sort of angry and taking offense.. hubby thought i over reacting, asking me to tahan.. but i really gag until cannot breathe..

Christylee, have u tried taking ginger tea? it may help in bloating, expels air.. i took prevously .. sipped here n there but the taste i also couldn't take too much.. but warm hot tea helps abit.. this pregnancy i haven't buy it.. i'm also bloating alot.. fart n fart! aiyo.. oh ya i drink vitagen after meals.. if u have probiotics, it may help in digestion.. our hormones slows down digestion hence causes gas.. try to eat lesser n more frequently.. snack here n there.. also keeps nausea away.. we tend to get nauseated when we're hungry.. Last time my fren told me to drink some gassy drinks to burp it out.. but sometimes it doesn't work.. may add more gas! lol depends on individual bah..

Lol with regards to shower gel, hubby uses same as me.. so i'm ok.. haha we v simple.. but i really need to change flavor of toothpaste.. gags me out everytime!! :(

Jiayou ladies! I know this season we tend to feel alone and no one understands coz we are the only ones pregnant! Everythingchanges so fast on the inside while outside reality goes on.. hubby , mil n all wun understand the changes.. stick on ya! I remember i broke down alot last yr while in 1st trimester.. coz i literally took MC and lie in bed all day.. with tears in my eyes.. friends wondering whats wrong w me.. is oregmancy so serious like an illness? lol (Oh ya it's never an illness ya!! It's just a phase!) I was so emo that i kept asking myself why try so hard to be pregnant and then end up in this state.. super depressing.. i even told my hubby i wish i can turn back time and not be pregnant! Lifestyle all changed coz so sick cannot go out at night.. foodie me cannot eat anything.. i couldn't even swallow porridge n drink water! But had to eat something! Good thing i found out that i can eat fruits n chips without the nausea... :) These days i also chomp in fruits.. at least i can take some rice.. if not no energy for my hyper little one! :) But trust me! It can only get better soon! Few more weeks ya!! After that we can be more radiant, proud of our pregnancy, tummy showing, enjoy privileges , eat whatever and won't puke! Be positive ya! At the end of the day , it's all worth it! Trust me.. when you hold your baby for the 1st time and when he/she smiles.. alll the past suffering n pain melts away.. ;)
Thanks for the encouragement, Meltie!! I really needed that! I have also been feeling down and wondering why being preggie makes me feel so terrible.


Hi ladies! I went for my gynae appt today! Lost abit of weight but baby somehow got growth spurt! Bigger than his/her age! Supposed to be 10 Weeks 5 Days but is as big as 11 weeks plus bb! EDD is still 15th May. Gynae says its looking gd with strong heartbeat!! ;) She says my morning sickness shld be gone in a month.. wah i wish it can disappear now! Feeling nauseated now.. :/ Hyper bb beside me .. pulling n tugging my hair.. just boxed my eye.. :( Anyway, i'll be going for my down syndrome scan at thomson medical centre next wed.. must go at 8 am walk-in! Hope everything goes well! Coz i have to prepare so early to go out with my baby and hubby gotta skip some sch..

excitedwifey, i was in pharmaceutical sales and run around type.. couldn't imagine staying desk bound! Getting out and abt distracts me frm my morning sickness! Lol But now i am homebound n bed bound most of the time in this small room.. :( Haha life of a sahm.. hmm how come u r prescribed more dupaston? still not stable?

Bought some smoked duck breast to make wrap tomorrow! Hope i can take the taste! :p My 1st time making wraps! Blame it on my mil who doesn't bother if i got lunch.. gotta find my own lunch.. cook oso kena scrutinised by her.. i just do simple wraps bah.. :p

Jiayou mummies! Look forward to hear abt ur appts with gynae and abt how your baby is growing!
Congrats Meltie! :) detected blood in my urine stick again ytd but the thing is, I've had microscopic (non-visible) blood in my urine since I was 17? So gynae and myself are not able to confirm if this blood is due to my usual condition or from my pregnant state... So to be safe we agree that I should continue taking duphaston until at least my next visit but instead of twice a day, just once a day :) gynae confirmed baby is stable and can tell people the good news liao, when I asked her when can we announce... But like I mentioned earlier, I dunno how to break the news haha...

Ooh smoked duck sounds really good! But be sure to eat some hot foods too! Any chance of getting your hubby to 'exert' his influence over your MIL?


Congrats Meltie! :) detected blood in my urine stick again ytd but the thing is, I've had microscopic (non-visible) blood in my urine since I was 17? So gynae and myself are not able to confirm if this blood is due to my usual condition or from my pregnant state... So to be safe we agree that I should continue taking duphaston until at least my next visit but instead of twice a day, just once a day :) gynae confirmed baby is stable and can tell people the good news liao, when I asked her when can we announce... But like I mentioned earlier, I dunno how to break the news haha...

Ooh smoked duck sounds really good! But be sure to eat some hot foods too! Any chance of getting your hubby to 'exert' his influence over your MIL?

Ic.. better to be on safer side.. dupaston like i say, i feel it worsens my system lol.. relieved to have finished it!

Ya all along i prefer hot foods hence hesitate to make salads n wraps which my friends ask me to try.. they even ask me to try oats in a jar.. but i'm afraid of yogurts n milk as i'm lactose intolerent.. i seldom eat cold cuts too.. like those subway like.. i prefer a gd plate of chee cheong fun, fried beehoon n hot toast. However, mil hse got no oven.. alot of things cannot toast/grill/bake to eat. Last time i made alot of toasts, grilled cheese stuff in my own hse.. well guess i have to make do and wait till i shift into my new house next yr! Gonna try to heat up my wrap in microwave before wrapping the lettuce, smoked duck breast, cherry tomatoes.. :p hope it tastes ok!

ya i do agree its abit awkward like how to break the news of pregnancy.. esp it's ur 1st! i rem i tried to find a gd timing to just say.. er i am pregnant.. lol to friends, pnly when i meet them.. for my current pregnancy, i also abit awkward when telling friends.. some exclaimed 'wah so fast ar? accident ar?' .. paiseh right? As for most friends, they'll be genuinely happy for u! Coz it's a miracle and joy! The journey is going to be tough but fun! ;) Some friends i told earlier went to my facebook page, tagged and asked me 'how's 2nd one coming along? So happy for you!'.. erm tellong whole fb world i'm pregnant.. when i was only 6 weeks? haha we all have different experiences.. my ex colleagues apparently spreaded the news like wildfire in office.. one by one msg /fb me to ask n congrat me.. fact is i only told 2-3 closer ones.. well news travel fast....! Esp gd news! Haha i was more afraid during 1st pregancy, some friends i waited till after confirmed n 3 mths then i tell... this time i guess i spilled the beans too fast!!! :p almost whole world know liao..

Oh ya.. maybe this is my 2nd.. some friends n even hubby commented i look 4-5 mths pregnant w my tummy showing! Gosh!!! Bloating alot, plus baby growth spurt and maybe still got leftover fats from last yr! argh.. :p


New Member
My edd is may 14, going for Oscar test at nuh next we'd. Ongoing symptons constantly feeling hungry every 2-3 hours. My colleagues are amused by the amt of food I take. I gag when I brush my teeth.. Hate the smell of toothpaste... Even resorted to using children toothpaste...but it doesn't stop there


New Member
Hi mummies.. I jus recently tested + n shd be expecting a late may bb.. my appt wit a gynae is kkh is on nov 21.. like so late.. dey say no early dates..
I jus wan 2 scan 2 cnfm.. like so kanchiong.. any other way u all know.. im 7 weeks now..


Hi Belief! It's normal! haha your body is preparing you! ;) I'm going for my oscar scan too .. next wed at thomson medical..

Hey Imah, congrats! wah your appt so long ar.. a month away! Or if u really wanna confirm more can go to a private clinic to do the scan.. but got to oay private charges loh..
Hi Meltie, i'm also doing my Oscar scan at Thomson next Thursday morning. It's a 4 weeks apart from my last gynae appointment. I am so curious to see if my baby growing well in there.... my EDD is 12 May.

Nice to meet all of you here... we are really soul mate here to support each other cos i know i am not alone. 一起加油!


My next appt is this coming Sat but I can't wait!! The last time we went, baby had doubled in size so I'm excited to see how much baby grow this time.

Also have to do 1st trimester screening this sat. Not sure what my gynae is going to do though she did mention blood test and scan. Its to check for the risk of down syndrome. Is it necessary since i'm only 26?

It's nice to hear you ladies describe your growing babies everytime you go for your appt. So exciting. Haha...


i'm 29.. had my 1st bb last yr .. did the OSCAR scan also, just to check for any abnormalies.. hmm but its also not fully proofed one.. my little baby was born with a gap in her right groin area undetected.. had to go for surgery after i discovered a bulge at 3 mths.. diagnosed with congenital inguinal hernia.. so poor baby went for operation to close the gap. After that cried lesser.. :p

Going for OSCAR scan this time again.. well its under a package with thomson medical.. $200++ .. blood test and scan.. and FA scan at 20weeks.. i think its the detailed scan to see gender.. :)


Hi everyone! I am also having edd in may 2014!

Just want check anyone having flu? I am down with flu and am so worried!


Welcome applez10! Congrats!

Aww it must be very uncomfortable to fall sick and down with flu.. don't be worried.. as long as you rest more and drink lots of water, will get well soon! Also, you may wanna try drinking ginger tea to help w your flu.. haha we can't take medicine .. so gotta take natural remedies.. sorethroat drink honey lemon, or gargle with salt water. :) Pls takw care and eat lotsa fruits esp vit C!

How many weeks are you along? :) Any morning sickness?


Hi all, I m not sure what is gg on.. Since I learnt that I m pregnant I have been having nightmares on n off the worst is I remembered when I woke up (sometimes too scared till I woke up cos I want to stop the dream).. it is v funny I knw I m pregnant! That always left me unharmed from the bad dream.. but lately it seems to b quite often.. is this normal?


Hi melti!

Thanks! I sure hope everything is fine..

Yup I have ms..it get worst if I dont eat on time! And by night I am v bloated. I am 10 weeks. You?


Thanks winniemint and meltie!!

Guess I'll just go for the tests this sat. Can't wait to see baby again!

Hi applez, try to minimise medications if possible. But if you are really feeling unwell, go see a doc, let him know you are pregnant and whatever meds that he prescribe, just take the first few doses and stop even if you are still not fully recovered. That was what i did when i had flu at my 7th week.

My gynae also said try to minimise the meds. Take a few doses to reduce your flu symptoms then stop and let your body fight it on its own. My flu eventually went away on its own after 3 doses. Haha... Another way would be to follow natural remedies like what the other mummies have suggested.
i'm 29.. had my 1st bb last yr .. did the OSCAR scan also, just to check for any abnormalies.. hmm but its also not fully proofed one.. my little baby was born with a gap in her right groin area undetected.. had to go for surgery after i discovered a bulge at 3 mths.. diagnosed with congenital inguinal hernia.. so poor baby went for operation to close the gap. After that cried lesser.. :p

Going for OSCAR scan this time again.. well its under a package with thomson medical.. $200++ .. blood test and scan.. and FA scan at 20weeks.. i think its the detailed scan to see gender.. :)
Meltie, $200++? The clinic told us it's $300++ together with detail scan. It's our first baby. We are not too sure about it, Gynae gave us few options to choose about the down syndrome test although it's totally optional. And we thought Oscar is the most common test most people will choose. So we decided to go for it.


Hi miso thanks for sharing :) I had a hard time sleeping yesterday and today I am having abit of bodyache but my nose is drying up and throat is not that sore when I am up this morning. I did the natural remedies of gargling salt water and drinking water with lemon slices..phew its horrible :( I wished everything is ok! So scared...my scan is 2 weeks Oscar from now and I cant wait!