EDD May 2014 (maybe)


Just back from appointment. Today I am 38 weeks and baby weight around 2.9. Doctor asked me to eat lot of pineapple now onwards. Next appointment on 8th of May and EDD is on 9th :). My GBS test result was negative.....yippie

After we finished our appointment, we were approached by a lady for cord blood donation(Singapore cord blood bank). She asked us to fill up a form if I am interested rather I asked her for some time, will give her a call tom. The process will be like - an interview for family background and health related qns. - Filling up the consent form. -will be required to give approx 30ml of blood(from arm) for tests at the time of delivery. -doctor will collect the cord blood and pass it to them. -For a year they will follow up on you and baby's health for any issues and may also contact the pediatrician......will dispose off the cord blood if there is not enough blood or blood is not fit for storage/further use.
How come asked u to eat many pineapples? what is the reason? Ya. This is what the lady from cord bank told me. She asked me fill up some questionnaire and asked me some family medical background.


the first time I donate cord blopd the questionair so long loh... need both daddy and mummy family medical history if never remember wrongly... for my current one very fast... lol... only sign consent form no need to do questionair coz I think only 1 year apart... lol....


New Member
Haha smooth delivery to us both and everyone here! I just went for my checkup last Monday and the gynae didn't ask me to go through the GBA test though, maybe during my next checkup.. he only told me to go to the hospital if I experienced contractions or water bag burst. Never tell me if my baby is engaged already or not.


Hihi and welcome new mummies to this thread! It's getting exciting! There are so many of us!! I also can't keep track who is when and what liao ... All the best to all mummies!

I just got v hungry and munched on some ritz biscuits.. Wah as usual my bb is battling a storm inside me.. Kicking like siao! So uncomfy now.. I keep going toilet.. Sighh all my muscles around pelvic, thigh and vagina area super strained and aching.. Was on the floor mattress putting my #1 to sleep.. In the end i had big difficulty trying to get up again.. Feel baby just got v low now.. Skalli engaged.. Coz i have the bearing-down feeling.. :p today 37 weeks.. Won't be so early bah i guess??? My EDD is 15th May...

Hubby just managed to get the ikea dresser up today.. Yay.. Can finally store #2 clothes.. Washing carseat cover , rocker cover tomorrow.. Just dug out my breastfeeding blanket.. Almost forgot need to use it.. Esp when visitors are ard and baby needs to latch..

Started packing my hosp bag.. But i'm also worried for #1.. Need to pack her diaper bag too.. Just in case need to bring her to hosp too.. Need to pack her milk, clothes and diapers! gosh.. I hope hubby can handle her..

Hmm ya loh why pineapples?? Isn't it not v gd for pregnancy? :p i need my 2nd dose of coconut juice.. Yet to find time for hubby to being me to drink.. His exams is next monday! :p


Yeah! Welcome new mummies! I still dun hav e bearing down feeling leh.. Guess my boy still having a fun time inside..

And yeah, Guess, did ur gynae say why to eating more pineapples? We are often advised nt to eat too much..

I going on leave starting next Mon so todae is my last work day.. woohoo! Looking forward to putting my feet up next wk and jus nua at home.. haha.. of cos, there are still last min chores to do.. like clearing e cabinet for the CL.. wiping the cabinets, washing cot sheets etc.. feeling excited and nervous and worried abt #1.. such conflicted feelings.. haha..


I also having the down bearing feeling especially when peeing and pooing... vagina can be quite painful... my back, butt and leg also getting sore and aching...


Yeah! Welcome new mummies! I still dun hav e bearing down feeling leh.. Guess my boy still having a fun time inside..

And yeah, Guess, did ur gynae say why to eating more pineapples? We are often advised nt to eat too much..

I going on leave starting next Mon so todae is my last work day.. woohoo! Looking forward to putting my feet up next wk and jus nua at home.. haha.. of cos, there are still last min chores to do.. like clearing e cabinet for the CL.. wiping the cabinets, washing cot sheets etc.. feeling excited and nervous and worried abt #1.. such conflicted feelings.. haha..
My gynae asked me to work all the way till I wan to deliver lei. He says can save leave etc. I c how lo. Hmmm. Tentatively I will start taking ml on 5/5, edd 15/5. cos I scare if at office, when wan to go deliver will b v gan cheong one. Though my wk place and Hm v near. Contradicting lei..


Same charchia.. Its all sore down there.. Maybe after 1st delivery, the muscles there weak liao.. Plus my heavy bb pressing.. I try to put a pillow between my legs while lying sideways to slp.. Most of the time when i try to turn over or move, there will be cracking sound of my thigh or back.. And now the whole bottom area is in pain.. :p

mrsjlim, the bearing down feeling its like a baby trying to push v hard downwards.. I felt it strong when i'm seated on the floor trying to get up, felt it squeezing down and legs pushing my ribs.. Well same when i trying to get up standing.. I get it when i go n pee n poo too.. Its a scary feeling hahhaa coz the last time i had that, i was in labor? But i guess maybe baby was just stretching... No space inside... The real bearing down feeling will keep coming one when u are in labor.. Feels like baby wants to push through.. :p


I also having the down bearing feeling especially when peeing and pooing... vagina can be quite painful... my back, butt and leg also getting sore and aching...
Maybe ur baby is big? Just rest more at Hm lo.. I wanted to go out , take mrt n buy my fav fd to eat but my hub dun really allow lei. He say anything he will scold me badly one.


Haha smooth delivery to us both and everyone here! I just went for my checkup last Monday and the gynae didn't ask me to go through the GBA test though, maybe during my next checkup.. he only told me to go to the hospital if I experienced contractions or water bag burst. Never tell me if my baby is engaged already or not.
Ya lo. Same here. My gynae nv tell me anything abt if my baby head v low etc. he say dun anticipate delivery and Juz wait for baby to come out when she is ready to.


I hardly go out now... coz I also scare... lol... but then stay home or go out no difference for me coz when in labour I need to make my way to the hospital myself if hubby or parents at work... lol...

I use a bloster when I sleep but still find it difficult... turning I will also hear cracking sound... and will cause a strain on my pelvics area... sometimes so pain till I cant go back to sleep...

ya the bearing down feeling is like something pushing downwards... I always get it when getting up, pooing and peeing...


Same charchia.. Its all sore down there.. Maybe after 1st delivery, the muscles there weak liao.. Plus my heavy bb pressing.. I try to put a pillow between my legs while lying sideways to slp.. Most of the time when i try to turn over or move, there will be cracking sound of my thigh or back.. And now the whole bottom area is in pain.. :p

mrsjlim, the bearing down feeling its like a baby trying to push v hard downwards.. I felt it strong when i'm seated on the floor trying to get up, felt it squeezing down and legs pushing my ribs.. Well same when i trying to get up standing.. I get it when i go n pee n poo too.. Its a scary feeling hahhaa coz the last time i had that, i was in labor? But i guess maybe baby was just stretching... No space inside... The real bearing down feeling will keep coming one when u are in labor.. Feels like baby wants to push through.. :p
Now am at Hm resting wor. So far I don't have this feeling. Mayb my baby still want to enjoy inside ba. Lol.will feel bit cramp almost every morning when I wake up but after poo, ok Liao wor. Now waiting game loh. Back to work on mon.


I hardly go out now... coz I also scare... lol... but then stay home or go out no difference for me coz when in labour I need to make my way to the hospital myself if hubby or parents at work... lol...

I use a bloster when I sleep but still find it difficult... turning I will also hear cracking sound... and will cause a strain on my pelvics area... sometimes so pain till I cant go back to sleep...

ya the bearing down feeling is like something pushing downwards... I always get it when getting up, pooing and peeing...
I had alot pillows with me when zz, 1 for my back, 1 for my tummy, 1 for head, 1 for legs to lift up, 1 to hug...heee


how I wish I can have so many pillow but I cant coz my daughter sleeps beside me and she likes to turn about and snuggle up to me during her sleep... I scare to many pillow she will end up under the pillow which can be quite dangerous...


I'm mostly stuck at home unless got hubby bring me n #1 out.. Coz v xiong to bring #1 out alone.. Esp now is anytime can give birth lol.. :p the bearingg down feeling comes n go.. Suddenly i can feel it and super uncomfy need to sit down.. Can't carry my #1 .. That day was out w hubby i had to carry #1 coz in carpark.. Hubby loading stuff.. Wah i could sense pee leaking coz it was pressing down but i still had to cling on to my squirming toddler.. Yesterday i went john little expo.. Walked for 2 hrs and handling my running maniac toddler.. Crazy.. I had to quickly go find toilet to pee here n there.. And my groin area all burning, couldn't walk anymore.. Had to find a chair to sit .. Cannot imagine if alone.. Hmmi i guess these are all signs of baby coming liao..

Hmm now breathless chasing my girl who is playing on her push scooter.. Sigh she just went to fiddle with the electrical switches again.. Its crazy.. Finding a time to cook lunch.. My bb is kicking non stop! everyday i just hope its not labor day! Lol


As far as I know, Pineapple is suppose to cause labor. This is what I got from internet "it contains something called Bromelain which in large quantities can help soften the cervix and so induce labour". I guess thats why she asked me to start eating pineapple. But I never stopped eating it. Be it either papaya, pineapple or coconut. I always ate same amount of fruit and food which I use to eat before pregnancy, except for anything undercooked.


To all the 2nd time mummies, I can only imagine how difficult it must be to handle no1 and at the same time pregnant too. And on top of that, hot weather. Its must be very difficult or rather impossible to get some time for urself to rest or take a breathe. And here its me, I get bored at home after so much of rest and sleeping. And don't feel like going out alone, scared that waterbag may burst anytime and dont feel like getting ready to go out :). I always thought that its good to have a second baby after 1 or 2 year gap of first one. In that way, both babies grow up together and you are free from atleast one task of life :p. But now after reading so many posts here, I dont think I would be able to do it, seeing that me and my hubby are all alone here.

Hats off to 2nd time mummies and more power to you.


suddenly keep on feeling like throwing up and breathless... haiz... hope can endure pass this week and deliver next week instead....