Enterpreneurship course


New Member
I'm thinking of sending my teenager to this entrepreneur course I heard of. Apparently they teach business skills, finance & management skills, the kids get to meet industry professionals and embark on actual community or enterprise projects. Interestingly, they also instill confidence, speech and poise through drama and dance. The kids do get to put up performances and so on.

Some of their course seniors have already set up their own social enterprise, and some of them are only 15 yrs! I think it's a great way to teach my kid monetary responsibility and discover her business potential.

With the influx of foreigners and expat families and them getting PRs in Singapore, I think that our youths will really lose out with our highly academic but stifled education.

What do you guys think, would you send your child for such a course? (i think it's only $80 a month)


New Member
You can see more info on www.lesthespians.com/Courses.html. From what I understand the program goes for as long as you want until you are 21 yrs. After which it doesn't really stop there either, jus that instead of attending the Course you prob would have become one of their staff, started your own business, or are pursuing studies in higher education.