Food to avoid while breast feeding


Hi all mummies who breast feed your baby, I think we should contribute a list of food to avoid while breast feeding, to avoid problem like windy stomach for babies and other issues, I will do the start and will update once someone contribute more item, some might not be proven by hard evidence but, who knows? We take in whatever we got and believe or not up to individual

1. Alcohol like beer, liquor, wine
2. Coffee and tea, coke
3. All gassy drinks
4. Tomato, cucumber, Coliflower
5. All beans
6. Mushrooms
7. Citrus juice
8. Liver
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New Member
thks angie baby mummy

btw, to add on the list..
i heard of liver cannot eat as it will reduce the supply.
not sure how true it is... :)


thks angie baby mummy

btw, to add on the list..
i heard of liver cannot eat as it will reduce the supply.
not sure how true it is... :)
I did eat fee times during confinement but didn't notice any big change on milk supplies....maybe didn't eat


New Member
Coffee & tea 1 small cup a day is ok.. Breastfeeding doesn't mean we sld abstain.. Just means we shouldn't over indulge.

I drink half pack of tapao teh everyday but my milk also ok.. :) maybe partly because I drink plenty of milk & eat oats too?


I'm a big believer that just because you are breastfeeding doesn't mean that you need to restrict your diet or lifestyle. Breastfeeding women can drink alcohol too, but best after breastfeeding your baby rather than before. Even so, as the midwives told us, if it can't be avoided (like if baby wants a feed after you drink) it's still better for baby to have breastmilk with alcohol than no breastmilk at all.

There are instances where certain foods affect some babies giving them allergic reactions through breastmilk and in these cases mums can go on an elimination diet to find out which foods they are and then refrain from eating them. This is pretty rare.

If your baby is fine and healthy, eat whatever you like but don't over-indulge :001_302:


I agree with ast.

Took Items 1-8 for #1 all except for beans cause not a favourite, and doing the same for my #2 who is 1 wk now... Breast feeding...

In fact I think milk flow is slightly better with #2 , cause Im taking more liquids(esp water) ...


New Member
Agree totally.. Eat everything in moderation & drink PLENTY of water.. :)

Breastfeeding should be enjoyable in all aspects. :))))


New Member
hi mummies,

topic on food to avoid...

how about food to take that will boost milk supply? :)
wanted to find ways to increase my supply... does direct latching helps to increase supply?


hi mummies,

topic on food to avoid...

how about food to take that will boost milk supply? :)
wanted to find ways to increase my supply... does direct latching helps to increase supply?
Direct latching is the best and most effective way to increase supply. Your breasts are refilled about half an hour after baby empties them (the rest of the time milk is just stored) so you can try offering top-up feeds half an hour after a feed. Or you can try offering more feeds throughout the day, your breasts will make more milk that way.

For foods to increase supply I found oats very effective. A bowl of oat porridge every morning helps :) There's also brewer's yeast and linseed/flax meal. They might not work for everyone though because every body is different :)

mummy jay

hi mummies,

topic on food to avoid...

how about food to take that will boost milk supply? :)
wanted to find ways to increase my supply... does direct latching helps to increase supply?
Eat fish and drink lots of water. Your body needs water to make milk and fish is high in protein.


I think liver is fine if ure not taking iron suppliments... Prevents post preg anemia if I'm not mistaken...

Replaces red blood cells lost from bleeding. Mom in law cooked liver with Ginger..:)

mummy jay

I think liver is fine if ure not taking iron suppliments... Prevents post preg anemia if I'm not mistaken...

Replaces red blood cells lost from bleeding. Mom in law cooked liver with Ginger..:)
I took quite alot of liver too and i think I still produce enough milk. I heard that it will help quicken the recovery, especially for c-sect mummies.


New Member
yes its good to reduce alcohol and smoke, gasses food/drink/fruit like durian during breasfeeding but i dont think there's a food/drink to avoid as long as we take it in portion..

breasfeeding woman have to eat a lot for more milk. other than #1 and #3, in fact some bean is good to stimulate more milk especially leaves of long bean... and liver is have good nutrition..


New Member
hi mummies,

haven't ate half cooked eggs and sashimi as pregnant.

just wondering if Bf mummies can take the following?

1) half cooked eggs
2) sashimi
3) drink DOM or alcohol - any tips?
4) Chinese herbs or soup during and after confinement?

TIA! :001_302: