Glucose water & infants


Hi ladies, can anyone share tips on how to educate old folks that it's not wise to feed glucose water to babies when there is no medical need?

I've done my research and all sources discourage feeding glucose to babies. The only time it should be fed is when baby is born with low blood sugar levels such that it becomes a health concern. Normal healthy babies should not need glucose water. Our grandparents era may have given glucose water to "keep baby full" but it is not healthy becos glucose water only gives empty calories - not a good option as opposed to nutrients in breastmilk.

I'm tyring to find means to share this info with my MIL nicely without appearing overbearing or rudely dismissing her good intentions. Would love to hear your experiences so that I can learn how to share this with my MIL. =)


I told her the lactation consultant said there's no need to. When old people heard its advice by a professional, they tend to believe. I brought her to free talk on breastfeeding and baby bathing by lactation consultant in Mount Alvernia during my hospital stay after childbirth. When baby is sick and she has concerns, we visit pediatrician together and i translate what the pd says to her in mandarin so she hears it first hand. I asked directly whether baby needs glucose and pd says no need to so she hears it from him. But if you get a misinformed pd then erm I've nothing to say haha. We had a breastfeeding unfriendly one at first who asked me to give baby formula milk so we switched pd. Im lucky that my mother in law is pretty accepting to new ideas as long as its for baby's welfare.

But when baby is born, being anxious, hearing baby cry, fuss, hiccup and so on, they will still use their familiar method and ask me can they feed him warm water etc. we have to be very very firm at that time. I said no every time they ask so they know no means no. It's difficult to be firm being a new mother and being emotional after childbirth but I have done my research before hand and to me, information is king. I know what I'm doing is correct so I stand firm. Now, they are very positive about breastfeeding because everyone says their grandson looks chubby and healthy. Very glad I didn't give in!
i faced the same prob too!

of parents wanting to give baby warm water the moment they hear him cry.
they just cannot understand that water at this stage has no benefits to baby, and if baby is crying for hunger, he needs MILK and not water to fill their tummy.


Thanks for sharing Lyra! I think bringing MIL to PD check ups is a gd idea which i will explore. :)

Dumbocarebear, if it's just water I let MIL feed a little just to maintain cordial relationships then step in to suggest maybe baby is hungry for milk so that I can feed. Tried to educate initially that BF babies don't need water cos already high in water content but had some difficulties cos they don't understand as all their kids where formula fed. So have to slowly educate. I used baby pee to show that baby still has a lot of water intake even if we don't feed. And she slowly got the idea. But we still get into this discussion when baby have hiccups - and I experimented her way of feeding some water to help ease hiccups; which works so we just continue. But I think I will draw the line when it comes tO glucose water cos it contains chemicals unlike plain water (which should be less).


No prob! Babies' tummy are as small as walnut and very easily filled up so do remember not to give too much water. I read somewhere they giving water during hiccups can choke baby. Baby's hiccup is different from adult's hiccup. Be very careful if you want to give water. All the best :)

Thanks for sharing Lyra! I think bringing MIL to PD check ups is a gd idea which i will explore. :)

Dumbocarebear, if it's just water I let MIL feed a little just to maintain cordial relationships then step in to suggest maybe baby is hungry for milk so that I can feed. Tried to educate initially that BF babies don't need water cos already high in water content but had some difficulties cos they don't understand as all their kids where formula fed. So have to slowly educate. I used baby pee to show that baby still has a lot of water intake even if we don't feed. And she slowly got the idea. But we still get into this discussion when baby have hiccups - and I experimented her way of feeding some water to help ease hiccups; which works so we just continue. But I think I will draw the line when it comes tO glucose water cos it contains chemicals unlike plain water (which should be less).


When bb hiccups, we are not suppose to give them water, you can check with your PD too. My PD say when bb hiccups its a good sign.