Gyne Tan Kim Teng fm KKH


New Member
I am seeing Dr KT Tan. She delivered my first baby back in 2007. My wound below healed very fast, I dont feel any pain at all right after discharge. During my first pregnancy, I was admitted once for palpitation, she came to the ward to see me everyday.

Now I am seeing her again for my 2nd baby. She is indeed a person with very few words. She will ask the usual routine questions "any pain? any bleeding? No? Ok lets see your bb" then after the scan, give me baby photo, - see you next month." If there is nothing wrong with your pregnancy, she wont say anything. My hub gave her a nickname "gone in 60 secs". Everytime I see her, is like super chop chop, I will be out of the room in a few mins.

But she is very professional, confident and assuring, will answer your questions if you hv any. For me, I did alot of pregnancy research online. So I rarely have any question to ask her. During my last visit, I told her I want to opt for c-section, but she persuaded me to try natural since me & bb are healthy, no medical reasons for c-section.

I personally find her quite nice, although she don't smile alot, but I like her professionalism. Makes me feel comfortable and assured that I am in safe hands.