Hair for Hope 2010


Dear Mummies,

I will be supporting the cause by shaving my head and I hope to get support from you guys. Kindly go to the link and donate generously!

Show Shavee

Hair For Hope is an event which invites members of the public to shave their heads to show their support for children with cancer. Through this symbolic gesture, we aim to:

1. Create awareness of childhood cancer in Singapore.
2. Show to children with cancer and their families that they are not alone in their fight against cancer.
3. Boost the self-esteem of children undergoing chemotherapy by sending the message that that there is nothing wrong in losing their hair or being bald.
4. Raise funds to help children with cancer and their families
5. Build a community of support for children with cancer and their families.

HfH is the only head-shaving event in Singapore that serves to raise funds and awareness of childhood cancer. Every shaven head represents an understanding by an individual of the ordeals that a child with cancer is subjected to. HfH also provides opportunity to garner support from the public in the form of monetary pledging. HfH then brings a two-fold contribution: raising awareness and funds for CCF beneficiaries.
Why Shave?

Treatment of cancer, such as chemotherapy, causes hair loss. Through the symbolic gesture of shaving our heads, we hope to lend moral support to all children with cancer, and to let them know that there is nothing wrong with being bald.
With every head shaven, we hope to foster greater understanding and awareness, as well as to celebrate the courage of these children. At the same time, funds raised from the events are channeled to improve the quality of life our children and their families.
