hard to take care baby


My baby is those kind cannot sit still and play alone one. Give him a toy and less than 5 mins he will be bored and move around .
Feeding time also cannot sit still. Have to stand up on the chair or want to be carried.
Basically he move and crawl around whole day when he is not sleeping.
Anyone got experience taking care this kind of baby? Any advice?

White Bell

New Member
Hi bendi, don't worry!! An active baby is a healthy and happy baby!!

At their age they are constantly exploring and learning new things. My boy is also like that and I discovered the only things that an keep him still for a longer while are books!! He loves books with animals!

The problem is how tired it's making everyone around him... Hahaha!! And photo takings r almost impossible or all blurry...


Ya he loves to meddle and take things around him. Take liao will throw then expect me to take for him again and he will throw again. Haiz..
I see other babies can seat inside stroller relax and look around. My baby put inside will want to come out of it.


It is normal. Anything within reach to my girl, she will pick them up and throw and sometimes she will say 'drop' but we know she throw the stuff purposely! My girl can sit because we trained her since she was able to sit-up. However, now at 14 months, she can walk, she likes to explore. She can be handful.

Reduce sugar intake as it will make a child active. I cut down on chocs and sugary stuff during evening so that she will 'slow down' and get ready for bedtime.


Oh I see. Wonder what's the average age a baby can walk and start to talk a few words?
My baby just turn one year. Can't walk and can't talk yet. But can understand and do the action when we say clap hand and bye bye.


New Member
Hi bendi, My son is 20mths in a few days and he has always been a "high need" active baby. Way too active for me and my almost 0 energy level. I am always jealous of those families who can eat out and go shopping and have their baby in a stroller. Besides the park or playground, i cannot take him anywhere comfortably (not even supermarket) because he will run around and touch this and touch that, go to elevator, go to escalator... I feel like i cannot live a normal life until he grows up a bit more and understands more things. My parents tell me i have to train him and be more strict, but a toddler his age is not reasonable and non-stop tantrum will be the result.

Sorry for my long description, im just so glad to have someone who shares some same feelings about active baby.

For mealtime, I used to try to give distractions (eg toys, baby cutlery etc) while he was in highchair but none of them really worked. When he was younger, letting him self feed fruit or snacks kept him seated for about 15min, nowadays the only thing that makes him stay in the highchair is his favourite food, tv or ipad. Unfortunately i cant say that this is good advice... But ive been so desperate for him to eat, it was my last resort. When all fails, i follow him around to feed. This was something i swore that i would NEVER do when baby was still an infant because i was very against walk around feeding and tv dinners. But now i am one of those parents i used to judge...

Sorry i didnt have good advice, all i can do is send u my support and good luck! And definitely try to enjoy and cherish the relaxing time now before he starts walking and running!!! ;D Because once babies discover they can walk, they will never want to stop...!

Ps: to answer the last question, all babies have their own schedule with milestones, ive read that walking can range from about 12mths to 18mths, as for talking, im not sure but once he starts saying his first words, he will probably learn new words very quickly, like one or two new words every couple of days if you keep encouraging it.



My son is about the same as your kid. Only when he is sleep then will be quiet. If not the whole house will move around / run around. Whole floor full of toys but just dun wan to play. My MIL is taking care of him now. so far when she feed him he abou to eat when she on the Cartoon & show him.. maybe you can try.. if not i feed him i will take a big bowl, i eat mean time also feed him.

My baby is those kind cannot sit still and play alone one. Give him a toy and less than 5 mins he will be bored and move around .
Feeding time also cannot sit still. Have to stand up on the chair or want to be carried.
Basically he move and crawl around whole day when he is not sleeping.
Anyone got experience taking care this kind of baby? Any advice?
Wow seems like I am not alone.. I am the mummy tat dun like kids to watch tv when having dinner bt my in laws have been doing that to distract my son, and also gv him toys and other things to hold so that he can be distracted and eat his meals..becos he is v active and will move non stop..really no choice..