Healthy Times Oatmeal cereal 'lao hong'??


New Member
Just opened up a new box n realized I can smell the oatmeal even when b4 I cut open the plastic packaging. I squeezed the whole packet and can hear a pssssst sound n the bag slowly became deflated! Does it mean the oatmeal lao hong alrdy cos not air tight???

I tested making the cereal n eating it myself. Realized it's not as smooth as HT brown rice cereal. It's like a little bit sandy. Is it normal? This is my first packet of HT oatmeal so I dunno if it is normal. Mummies pls advice!


New Member
i am doing research on what to feed my baby next month and my head is growing very big.
Happy Bellies..there's some complaints of rancid and stale smell in some of the tins. So I thought maybe I should go for Healthy Times instead. And now.. I see on your mummy review blog there's worms and insects in posts 2010, and in a recent post Sep 11, someone commented of bugs also.
Sigh... guess there's no really a good brand!

Just curious, did you continue with Healthy Times?
Also any mummies using Healthy Times now...


New Member
Healthy Times cereal have been ok so far. My friends babies have been taking them and no complaints so far.

There's also other organic baby cereals like Bellamy Rice Cereal, and Organix. Bellamy is often out of stock at ntuc though. Both these brands can be found at Cold Storage and organic stores.


New Member
Actually I saw quite a few more other brands of organic baby cereals selling in some organic stores. I've not seen those selling in supermarkets so far. Maybe u can check out Four Seasons at City Square mall :)