Help!! 5 months plus baby refuse to sleep


New Member
Hi, recently my baby doesn't want to sleep no matter how much I nurse him, he would wan to flip around and play. He used to sleep at a earlier timing but since weeks ago he became bad to worst from 11pm become 1 plus 2 plus become 3 am plus & now 6 am in the morning I really don't know what happen, hope I can get advice from mummy :)

Hi, recently my baby doesn't want to sleep no matter how much I nurse him, he would wan to flip around and play. He used to sleep at a earlier timing but since weeks ago he became bad to worst from 11pm become 1 plus 2 plus become 3 am plus & now 6 am in the morning I really don't know what happen, hope I can get advice from mummy :)

Where does ur baby slp??? Mattress ?? Try install Yaolan n intro to him .. Mayb tat help. Cos my son when 3mth i use to swaddle & rock him but it getting tired so i install yaolan ..


New Member
My boy doesn't like sleeping in yao lan, everytime when he sleep yao lan less than 2hrs, or 2hrs he will wake up already, but when he sleep mattress can sleep up to 10hrs, so nowadays when i try using yao lan coax him to slepe, he also not willing to ): He seems to be more hyper at night! ):


New Member

My girl is now 3mths plus also face the problem of refusing to sleep. Whenever I tried putting her on cot to sleep, she will start to flip and play. When I put her in sarong, she will try to flip and when she can't, she will start crying... :(

So now, I will carry her, pat and rock to sleep 1st then slowly put her in sarong to sleep. But still she can't sleep more than 30mins (for daytime) and will wake up. At night abit better, can sleep at least 1hr or so, then she start to wiggle in the sarong with eyes closed and have to start to swing her else she will start her "opera session".. haiz