Help! Baby having constipation now..

Hi mummies,

Need some advice here.

My baby gal caught a case of stomach flu 1.5 weeks ago and had diarrhoea. Was given medication and it finally stopped after a week. However, now she seems to be having a case of constipation.. I was told my mil that she cried twice today while passing motion. Stools are vv hard but there is no blood though.. I have called the pd for help and she said not to worry..

Help. I am really worried if hers turns into severe constipation.. What should I do? Any mums with similar experiences?

Worried Mum


What kind of milk powder is your baby drinking?
When my child has diarrhoea, I give her Abbott soya milk base milk. After she has recovered, she goes back to pediasure/gain iq.

Your baby's constipation could either be milk powder that's unsuitable for her that resulted in constipation OR the medicine that suppose to help her diarrhoea has cured her stool and now somehow has harden it. So stop the medicine and if you have then perhaps you should look into her milk powder.
What kind of milk powder is your baby drinking?
When my child has diarrhoea, I give her Abbott soya milk base milk. After she has recovered, she goes back to pediasure/gain iq.

Your baby's constipation could either be milk powder that's unsuitable for her that resulted in constipation OR the medicine that suppose to help her diarrhoea has cured her stool and now somehow has harden it. So stop the medicine and if you have then perhaps you should look into her milk powder.
Hello, she is on enfalac lactose free milk powder as recommended by pd. I am trying to switch her back to her original enfalac - by subsituting one feed per day. but her diarrhoea seems to return..

did i switch too fast? could you share how did you switch back previously.. thanks =)