Help! Baby nap & sleep gone haywire


My son is now 7.5 months. These few weeks, his nap and sleep timings seem to gone haywire. He also wakes up very easily and wants me to soothe him by cradling him.

He used to take 2 to 3 day time naps of 60 to 90 min. But now he just naps 30 min, at most 45 min.

His bed time is 8.30pm, after sleeping for 30-45 mins, he will wake up, stand up in his cot and cry. I have to cradle and rock him before he will settle back to sleep. But then, he will wake up 3 times in the night, sometimes for milk, sometimes it's just want me to cradle him. He used to wake up at 7+am, now 6+ he wakes already!

Why is this happening? He's teething these few days and also learnt to pull himself to standing position a few weeks ago. Are these the reasons? Is it just a passing phase or do I have to re-train him to nap and sleep? Difficult to let him self soothe coz the moment he stirs he will flip, then stand up in his cot and whine. He's also very clingy these days.

Please help!
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Since you've identified that it is teething, such patterns should last abt a week or two. Teething can be painful for some babies and hence they wake easily from it.

You can try using teething gel to soothe the pain. You can get it from the pharmacy. You can't use it more than 6 times a day.