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New Member
Hi Mummies!!!

1st time mummy here...

-my son is about 2 weeks old. I noticed that after his feeding, he will have hicups....why is this so?

-my MIL wraps him with nappy like "pao zhong zi" then face became red when it ok with that or MIL over wrap already?

-he is very active at night,dun wan to to coax him to sleep?




Oh girl, first time mommy, understand your anxiety.
but all the 3 things mentioned here are really normal.

Its normal to hiccups, either to try to pat his back till the hiccups are gone or you can DON'T CARE about it. Though it may look uncomfortable, but seriously it is not painful to the baby and does now harm baby at all. so long as he did 'Ururgggghh' (burbed) after each feed, then he is fine.

The more the baby is wrapped up. The more secure he feels. 'cos in our tummy, space is limited, hence he is always curled up in a ball. When he is out, wrapping him up tightly will give him the security he is comfortable in. don't worry, it will never be too tight. UNLESS AUNTIE had used a ROPE!!! Which i doubt.

the face-red-when-crying is also super normal. Nothing to do with the tying up.

in our tummy, he does not have day and night. he sleeps anytime he wants to. Its in his system. He is only 2 weeks old. some babies will only recognise sleep in night, play in day only 1-2months later. It is normal. so for you, mommy, you must change your habit to his habit, so that you will not be so tired. When he sleeps, you sleep. when he is awake, you have to be....

Jiayou! We have all gone through all these and we have survived. YOu will survive too....*wink*


Yes, its all normal...
my gal used to be called hipcup queen by me... hehe...
when they cry or scream they need to use strength so their face tend to look red...

and baby needs time to adjust to the normal sleeping pattern... so dun worry... your baby will be able to when he's 2-3 months old...


New Member
Thanks 1568mummy and wenz for the info!!!
Xie Xie!! =)

Btw, when feeding baby,do i wait for baby to wake up or i wake him ? Cuz my MIL kept telling me to feed baby every 2 hrs regardless he is sleeping or awake.

Then she likes to vaccum the floor and "ping ping pong pong" near baby or baby is sleeping.Will the noise frightened baby? -_- "


Well-Known Member
Thanks 1568mummy and wenz for the info!!!
Xie Xie!! =)

Btw, when feeding baby,do i wait for baby to wake up or i wake him ? Cuz my MIL kept telling me to feed baby every 2 hrs regardless he is sleeping or awake.

Then she likes to vaccum the floor and "ping ping pong pong" near baby or baby is sleeping.Will the noise frightened baby? -_- "
Congrats moomoo85 welcome to motherhood...

If your baby can drink milk and sleep, let him be. Normally, when the baby is hungry, they will wake up. If after 2 hours, the baby is still asleep, let him sleep especially night time. Imagine, your baby is already so active at night that's why he needs his beauty sleep. If deprive of sleep, a baby can be very fussy therefore, unless the baby is awake then u can stick to the 2 hours routine if not, wait till the baby wake up.

Some older generation believe that letting the baby get used to noisy enviroment is better for them but personally, I feel that it have to depend on the baby themselves. My first kid will jumped and get frighten even when we cough. Whereas now my 3rd child can sleep like a pig even when the 2 sisters scream and bang the doors.

Most important thing, now is your confinement period. It's best that you have enough rest and as long as the baby is ok, just follow your mother in law's advice, it is advisable not to argue with them too much otherwise, no peace.


First question that comes to my mind is "Are you breastfeeding or formula feeding?"
For my elder one, I couldn't 'fully' breastfeed becos of 'horrible objections', so for formula feed, I did wake my boy up.

As for my younger one, he was breastfed. It didn't bother me at all. 'cos after the first experience, I realised that baby WILL wake on his/her own when he/she IS hungry.
so if I ever have number 3, I won't even wake him/her up for any feeds. *wink*

Seriously, babies do sleep very soundly (when they are truly tired), no noise can wake or frightened them; but for newborns, in order to protect their ear drums, I would keep the volume down or I'll shift the baby to sleep in another place.

Thanks 1568mummy and wenz for the info!!!
Xie Xie!! =)

Btw, when feeding baby,do i wait for baby to wake up or i wake him ? Cuz my MIL kept telling me to feed baby every 2 hrs regardless he is sleeping or awake.

Then she likes to vaccum the floor and "ping ping pong pong" near baby or baby is sleeping.Will the noise frightened baby? -_- "


New Member
Few days ago, my baby boy's face have some rashes on his face...forehead and it normal? Then his neck i noticed got "skin tear" izzit due to dry skin?
pingpingppongpong... get used to noise sleep better........i play linkin park for my DD to practice outside ambiance de lo...

i sometime worse even drag till 5hours hours ... ya agree... insufficient sleep... end up fussy... ... euu again... not enough rest... not advisable... wait till ya baby wakes... but dont over 5hours ba.........

swaddle baby up... feel warmed ... feel secured...

red face... aiya... now their skin thin ma.... often found red de la...........

rashes..... skin tear.... hmmmmm...........
my DD has jaundice... nose often skin tear often rashes around nose.........
yours is forehead cheek i dunno lehh...

nevermind... i refresh the thread up high liao.. hope there's someone who knows..
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I wouldn't say normal.
cos one of my niece had these signs too, but every other babies in the family, including my boys - don't have.

and because baby's skin is very delicate and sensitive, I would not DARE to suggest any cream or powder. I suggest go see doctor to be sure... before applying anything...

Few days ago, my baby boy's face have some rashes on his face...forehead and it normal? Then his neck i noticed got "skin tear" izzit due to dry skin?


New Member
Few days ago, my baby boy's face have some rashes on his face...forehead and it normal? Then his neck i noticed got "skin tear" izzit due to dry skin?
hey moomoo85! my boy had rashes on his face as well..doc said it's due to the heat and prescribed dhacort cream for him..face getting better..

i guess it also helped that i breastfeed him less since i think the skin to skin contact made the rashes worse...i feel sad though since i don't get to breastfeed him =(


Hi Mummies!!!

1st time mummy here...

-my son is about 2 weeks old. I noticed that after his feeding, he will have hicups....why is this so?

-my MIL wraps him with nappy like "pao zhong zi" then face became red when it ok with that or MIL over wrap already?

-he is very active at night,dun wan to to coax him to sleep?

I think you have been given very good advice about the first 2. I am a first time mommy also. But I realised that ever since I maintain a suitable environment for my baby to sleep in. She learnt to recognise day and nite. In the day, I keep the house bright(open doors, let the sunlight in, have noise) and night time, I keep the room she sleeps in with dim light to encourage her to sleep and I will feed her in that room also. So that once she is ready to sleep drift off she can easily. And the house will be less noisy other than the usual TV and family talking. hope this helps!