HELP!! My son refuses to latch suddenly after 13 mth of bfing


New Member
Hi mummies, anyone experienced this before? My son has had no problem with bfing until recently.
I used to let him latch from noon, overnight till early morning and my maid would feed ebm in a bottle while I slept from 7-11/12.

3 days ago:
Day 1
He suddenly refused to latch in the afternoon and insisted on bottle feed at home. He latched when I brought him out and also at night when he slept. Thank God!

Day 2
He refused again from for the whole day and ALSO at night! I was so worried!

Day 3
He refused in the afternoon again but when I brought him out, he latched 3 times, happiness and relief! However, back at home, same thing, refused to latch.

I'm very worried and feels rejected. He keeps shaking his head and pulls down my top, crying when I attempt to let him latch. He used to can't wait to pull up my top for his milk.

Pls advise!


New Member
Ahhh...he's on nursing strike... this is completely normal.. It's just a passing phase. :)

Hi! I came across the term after doing my research but couldnt seem to find any contributing factors. Luckily, it is indded a passing phase :Dancing_tongue:

What happened was
Day 4 refused to latch and didnt drink for 7 hours till we got home, imagine my heartache
Subsequently, a little struggle here and there but when my breast gets in his mouth, he starts drinking.
Today, finally quite stable, back to normal, happiness. Praise the Lord!!

But he demanded a lot of feeds these 2 days.
Today he latched around 7.30pm in the car, drank 4 oz and 5 oz upon home within the same hour. Slept but woke up 15-30min later, crying for milk and latched. Win! Haha