Herbalife Green Tea

Our body is exposed to heavy metals, preservatives, air pollution and toxic chemicals daily. The accumulation of these harmful substances in our body cells will harm our body and have an adverse effect on our health.

Research has shown that five-leaf ginseng, also known as sweet tea vine, is rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants. Five-leaf ginseng boosts metabolism, detoxifies the body and helps the immune system function smoothly.

Triflora is a caffeine-free beverage that contains five-leaf ginseng and other healthful natural herbs. Daily consumption of Triflora helps cleanse the body systems and keep the body full of vitality.


Triflora’s main ingredient is the precious five-leaf ginseng (sweet tea vine), which is rich in botanical nutrients like ginsenosides, flavones, vitamins and trace elements. Green tea leaves contain phytochemicals called polyphenols, whose strong antioxidant activities may help prevent cancer, diabetes and renal disease. Triflora also contains chrysanthemum, osmanthus.Chrysanthemum posseses high levels of phytochemicals with powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-cancer effects. It has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties to relieve headaches, fevers and sore throats. Osmanthus relieves stress with its relaxing and uplifting fragrance. Its aroma helps reduce appetite, thereby aiding weight control.


The uniqueness of Triflora lies in the harvesting and processing of the five-leaf ginseng. Five-leaf ginseng is harvested only once a year, and only the young leaves at the top of the plant are used. Hence, harvesting must be performed carefully by hand. The leaves of five-leaf ginseng have a unique aroma and tea made with these leaves is clear.


• Throughout the day: Drink at any time.
• Steep Triflora teabag in a cup of warm water. Inhale to enjoy its aroma before drinking. Alternatively, refrigerate after mixing to enjoy
it cold.


• 30 packages per box
• Triflora is available in osmanthus flavors.


• Triflora is one of the important products in Daily Nutrition Pack, which nourishes and balances the body. Daily Nutrition Pack
provides complete nutrition to help clean the body and attain an ideal nourishing effect.
• Consume Triflora with the low-calorie Nutrifresh or less sweet Nutrifresh-D for a rich source of plant protein and to enhance the
body’s cleansing processes.
• Consume Triflora with Refresh for a better taste and to boost detoxification.