hi all mummies out there:)


New Member
im new here..im currently pregnant about 22 weeks with a boy and would like to meet more mummies out there to share info & learn more stuffs.
Im staying in e east at macpherson so feel free to app me if your free as im nt working at e moment and rather bored staying at hm. lolx. this is my first baby :) tks!! whatapp:90614192


We are a group of university students in Singapore, and are conducting focus groups for mummies who have celebrated their children's first month/1st year birthdays before. We are really interested to hear what you have to say about the celebration and cakes, so do help us by joining if you can make it.

It will be held tomorrow (Friday 1st Nov) in the Bras Basah area, at 7pm. A small token of appreciation will be given ($20 cake voucher from a local bakery, and light refreshments like cake will be provided).

Do let me have your hp number or text me if you can attend, so that I can give you the full details!
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