Hi, Im a daddy to be


Alpha Male
Feel free to leave some advice and comments on my blog

Pregnant Daddy

I basically blog about how my wife and i cope with the pregnancy, as first time parents, we are really lost at the moment :001_302:


Feel free to leave some advice and comments on my blog

Pregnant Daddy

I basically blog about how my wife and i cope with the pregnancy, as first time parents, we are really lost at the moment :001_302:
Interesting blog you've got there. Please keep it up.

BTW, some of the old wives tale you've listed may have some truth. Do find out :)
All the best!


BMSG Moderator
good to have a support daddy to be... I'd suggest you find a good antenatal class (not all are equal in terms of the info they provide) and attend BMSG's workshops for more information about bfg.

hope you enjoy this forum!