High Fibre Baby Food


Hello mummies..

my boy is almost 5 months, and i've start feeding him cereal and bottled puree everyday.

The texture of his poo is more pastey now, compared to when he was on total FM.

I'm just worried about him getting hard stools, hence, can any mummies advise me wat other food do you supplement your baby with so that they don't get hard stools or constipation.

So far, he is on Healthy Times Cereal and canned puree like butternut squash, apples, pear etc. I also feed pureed papaya occassionally. He drinks lots of water too.

Thanks for your advise.



Well-Known Member
give more fruits, veg n water. that shall do the trick. btw, i read that prunes, peach, banana, mushrooms helps hard stools too.


Well-Known Member
His diet sounds fine since he's eating fruits and drinking water. It's normal for the texture of their poo to change when they start eating semisolids. As long as it doesn't become VERY hard or they get constipated, I think you dun really need to change his diet for now. :)