How can I cure eye stye (mak zhum)? help!!

B zhai

I hv eye stye. A pimple like pus on my lower eyelids. I hv 3! Suspect is due to sensitivity to a particular eye makeup? Any idea how to cure this or need to see doc? I prefer to do it myself though. Any eye drops or ointment to recommend fr pharmacy?


i had one last week.. on the inside of my lower eye lids..
recover on it own after 2 days..
i only wash with water... avoid any makeup or eye cream..


Hmm u want the traditional way or modern way?
Modern way go get from pharmacy or doc

Traditional way take rice with husk still on it n poke at the Mak zhum head pus gently n lightly n not to burst it or anything n throw it vertical down the water (should be well but nowadays where got) u can try swimming pool, big drain with water or water basin. Do this everyday while thinking Mak zhum be gone n it will auto heal. Hahahaha my grandma taught me this.