How can i motivate my daughter to read at home?


New Member
Please share your experiences with me. My daughter just turned 2yo. How can I interest her to read during her free time?


Active Member
read with her..

i believe most 2 yos can't read by themselves unless it's just looking at pictures..

so read with her, read to her..


New Member
Just to share, what I always tell my young students' parents, start cultivating the habit from young, you can start as early as newborn. What I did was read to and with my kids every night. Sound and motion interest kids, so it will be best if you can integrate those in while reading.

I'd recommend the Total Development Program which i bought for my elder daughter when she was 2. Now that I have 2 children, both of them can use the program. They enjoy it a lot as the program comes with a device that create sounds from the books. I have to tell you, as a teacher for most part of my life, going through many early learning programs and books, the Total Development Program is one that amazes me most!

Hope this helps. :)


Well-Known Member
There was a study which found out that in trying to cultivate an interest in reading, it was more important to have many books readily at home, than setting an example by reading at home.

It's something like having toys around the house, and naturally out of curiosity your child is bound to go and explore the toys & play.

When you have books at home, and make the children books readily available, your child is bound to get to them and start reading. I honestly did not really try to cultivate the habit of reading in my child. In the early months I would occasionally show her some books, but most of the time she plays with her toys. But I have a bookshelf in her room, where I put some cloth books and hard books at the lowest level for her to reach for them.

Now she is 2 years old and she surprised me by initiating that she wants to read a book. She does this on a regular basis. She will ask me to get her one of the bigger kids books, sit down next to her and she will ask me what are the things/pictures in the books. SOmetimes she will tell me her own story in her own words.

I have never made her sit down to read a book before to make it a habit, but just occasionally show her, see if she was interested. If she wasn't I'd just put it back on the shelf.


New Member
Thanks for all the advices! There's really way too many types of early learning books and programs in the market. Any type in particular you'd recommend?

Jien, where can I find out more about the Total Development Program which you mentioned?


New Member
Hi charlenetcl,

you might wish to check out their facebook page, "Learning tech program". One of the things I remember most about the company is their willingness to come all the way down to my house to give a presentation of their products to allow me a preview of it. very good customer service! you can ring them up to fix an appointment.


New Member
Start buying her books instead of toys, probably your friends and relatives can do the same, and choose books with nice illustrations that will catch her fancy.Classic fairytales are a good choice, make sure the language is appropriate for her age as some have got very advanced language. Read to her at bed time and she will soon ask for more...