how did you stop breastmilk supply

Hey, I was told by my nanny tt eating cabbage will stop/reduce milk supply. No harm trying though. :)
oh i have never heard about eating cabbage but i put cold cabbage compress on my breasts 24/7 for 3 days because i seeked help from a lactation consultant before and she say it can help to reduce supply. but for me it didnt stop the milk or make it leak less. in fact it was very inconvenient coz the cabbage cannot absorb the milk that leaked and it seeped through my bra and nightgown unto my bed and comforter. and having it on 24hrs a day made me develop a rash


New Member
Actually my gynae told me to hand express when engorged rather than pump and dont empty the milk, just express until u feel comfortable.

I have about 1ltr supply each day, when I decided to stop my milk supply, i started to reduce the time from 30 mins, 20 mins then to 15 mins, from 3 times a day to 2 times then to 1, go cold turkey if decided to stop production. If feel there is still milk, I just express it out when i take shower.


hey mummies. I had mastitis last week and was hospitalized for 5days. went through aspirations to drain out the milk. And I had a small wound on my breast. it was a painful decision which I want to give up breastfeeding however my gynae do not want to give3 me pills to stop e milk.

had been reduce pumping since last Wednesday. but still got milk coming out, how to stop it completely.?