How long before can resume ML after C-sect


As above, was wondering hw long does it takes before resuming ML after C-sect. As i'll be delivering tis wed via c-sect for e first time (though 2nd baby), would like to noe hw long before i can resume ML wif my hubby. Any mummies wif experience? Pls share.


Well-Known Member
As above, was wondering hw long does it takes before resuming ML after C-sect. As i'll be delivering tis wed via c-sect for e first time (though 2nd baby), would like to know hw long before i can resume ML with my hubby. Any mummies with experience? Pls share.
For my 1st, we ML 2weeks after C-sect. For my 2nd, we ML 4weeks after C-sect coz too tired looking after both by myself. :tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh:


I started after my confinement period, cuz feeling very hot during confinement period and some more still bleeding mah!


Well-Known Member
wah sooo fast.. we 2.5 months after i delivered naturally.. even without episiotomy.
huh? so fast? no more bleeding? how long did your bleeding last? today is my lasy day of confinement...still have slight brownish discharge...though very little...


may i know for c-sect how long was the duration of the bleeding? for those who resumed ML, how do we know if the wound / womb incision has healed? Sorry, just had a c-sect 2 weeks ago so i have a few doubts, hope to clear them here...