How many Epidurals did u take or is dangerous?


Well-Known Member

I would like to find out what is the norm in the no. of epidurals that is taken by a mummy during delivery?
Got hear some case taking 3.. Any limit to the no. of epidurals to take b4 it become a dangerous level?


Well-Known Member

I would like to find out what is the norm in the no. of epidurals that is taken by a mummy during delivery?
Got hear some case taking 3.. Any limit to the no. of epidurals to take before it become a dangerous level?
No it is not dangerous.
I have had epidural for all my 3 kids n each time mine needed to be topped up 3 times coz it wasnt strong enuf n wore off.


For all my 3 pregnancies, 1 each. Nearly needed 2nd dose for my first and 3rd child though.

First child : too late to top up, baby was coming out and epidural had worn off. The pain was excruciating as I had delivery with forceps.

Third child : epidural had finished but effect had not totally worn off when I delivered. I was so worried that I asked the midwife if they had another epidural on standby in case the effect had worn off. :p


Well-Known Member
For all my 3 pregnancies, 1 each. Nearly needed 2nd dose for my first and 3rd child though.

First child : too late to top up, baby was coming out and epidural had worn off. The pain was excruciating as I had delivery with forceps.

Third child : epidural had finished but effect had not totally worn off when I delivered. I was so worried that I asked the midwife if they had another epidural on standby in case the effect had worn off. :p
Hi shopaholic,

When is the latest during delivery that a mummy can inject epidural?
I hear that when u are at some stage u will not be able to take it anymore...


Hi shopaholic,

When is the latest during delivery that a mummy can inject epidural?
I hear that when you are at some stage you will not be able to take it anymore...
yup..i asked for epi not knowing i was already 9cm dilation.. by then cannot take anymore... not sure how many cm is the cut off though..


i heard and read that diff ppl have diff rxn to epidural.. i was able to deliveer my firstborn by taking gas only, n luckily my delivery was not so painful tho n lasted only a couple of hrs..

i was wondering if i wld need a stronger pain relief this time.. bt am afraid that i may have terrible side effects from it.. how ah? any advise?
I had two doses.In fact after the top up, I couldn't really feel the baby coming out and it was difficult to push coz it's so numb.Had to have baby vaccumed out after crowning.Couldn't feel the urge to push.

After that you will have to be in bed for 10 hours before you can get down to walk.

When is the latest during delivery that a mummy can inject epidural?
I hear that when you are at some stage you will not be able to take it anymore...
After 6cm



Well-Known Member
I had two doses.In fact after the top up, I couldn't really feel the baby coming out and it was difficult to push coz it's so numb.Had to have baby vaccumed out after crowning.Couldn't feel the urge to push.

After that you will have to be in bed for 10 hours before you can get down to walk.

After 6cm

Thanks Palindrome ! =)
appreciate it :)


Well-Known Member
u mean how many epidural in a lifetime or during A delivery itself? epidural i think theres no limit to how many times in a lifetime... and if u meant during a delivery, its like a "tap" switch off when u have delivered. U can turn up higher or lower once the epidural is inserted, fr me initally after i had my epi i could still feel, legs not heavy i can still lift up my own legs, so she turned higher, and felt uncomfortable.. so can adjust one la.

During delivery, i felt NO urge, but when midwife ask me to push i push, just follow instruction clearly. When u push dun push from throat, the pressure must be at ur abdomen, just like when u constipated like dat.(whn the see contractions they ask u : take a deep breath, hold it and push fr as long as u can.. 1, 2,3 ...10) then when u inhale in , dun inhale too deeply, cos i did dat and i sort of sucked the bb back in.... so my gynae as me to inhale like swimming exhale long.. n inhale short!!( BB came out easily fr me, no episitomy, no pain nothing. I had it super easy. BUt i did vomit after the epidural wear off... good luck. its a wonderful experience fr me n hope it will b fr u too


Hi shopaholic,

When is the latest during delivery that a mummy can inject epidural?
I hear that when you are at some stage you will not be able to take it anymore...
Yeah, because it may take about 30mins to take effect for some people, so if you've reached a certain level of dilatation, no point to take epidural already because when the epi takes effect, you would hv been fully dilated and possibly pushing your baby out.