How many KG and how much milk all mummies have been feeding?


Well-Known Member
My PD advised me that to calculate how much a baby should be feeding a day, you do a simple calculation -

weight of baby x 5 ounces = daily intact of milk (to convert to cc/ml, multiply by 30)

eg - 5kg baby x 5 = 25 ounces a day or 750 cc/ml a day.

Also better not to compare how heavy babies are at particular stages. PD can assess whether baby is developing well or not. For instance, my baby was born at 36 weeks and she was 2.02kg at birth (3rd percentile).

She is now 4 mths and weighs 5 kg (10th percentile). Though she is small for her age, by the PD's assessement (babies should double their birth weight at 4-5 mths), she has thrived and has moved from the 3rd percentile. She is healthy and progressively getting to her ideal weight and size.

gulp.. my bb born 3.5kg n at 1 mth 1 weeks shes already 5kg... does dat means shes overweight?? shes on ebm though.but pd did say shes a BIG girl...


New Member
Hi i'm feeding my 2 mth bb 100ml per feed but the interval is around 1.5 to 2hrs in the day and ard 4 to 5hrs interval in the night. Is this normal? As i found that the normal feed is about 3 hrs interval. After feeding each feed in the day, my bb seem to be still sticking out his tongue. Does this indicate that he's still hungry? Need advise as i'm worry that i might be underfeeding him.