how much is a confinement lady charge


New Member
I'm going to engage the services of 2 confinement ladies as I'm having twins. Most probably I'll be delivering during CNY. They're charging me $3500 + $300(CNY surcharge). Both are from Malaysia.


Well-Known Member
I knew fm my colleague that they can range fm S$2500 - $3000. u are saying $3500 + $300 is for 2 CL or each u have to pay $3800? if so is expensive, have u get various quotes b4 u decide to take them?


Well-Known Member
In that case 2 CL @ $3800 is cheap.

Before I forget again....
to all u mummies
for your new coming member especially for those who is having twin
is a double bundle of joy


Hi, I will be delivering my baby near CNY and i will be charge 2.4K
you are delivering during / near CNY ?

Hi iwan2noe,

2.4k during/near CNY is affordable rates. I contacted 1 who charge me at 2.8K++ on few things that I ask if she is willing to help..... Ask for help she say will charge me.......

You have anymore lobang for your 2.4K rate? As, I am also delivering during/near CNY 2010.....



Well-Known Member
Hi iwan2noe,

2.4k during/near CNY is affordable rates. I contacted 1 who charge me at 2.8K++ on few things that I ask if she is willing to help..... Ask for help she say will charge me.......

You have anymore lobang for your 2.4K rate? As, I am also delivering during/near CNY 2010.....

Hi clingbel,

When is ur edd? is it your first child?
Hmm, i got a few contacts of CLs whom you can check with them. I have no personal contacts with me as in i do not have any reviews abt them but they are recommended CLs by other mummies. Do u want the contacts?

If you want, maybe you can send me a pte msg,so that I can get your msg asap as sometimes I may not check the same thread so frequently...

You let me know soon ya :)