How much solids does your 1 yr old eat?


I've become a bit confused lately, my soon-to-be 1 yr old daughter is still waking up in the middle of the night (at least 2-3 times), she hasn't been able to sleep through the night yet. I actually stopped milk feeds in the middle of the night from 8months+ onwards, as I was told it would help her eat more in the day and that should help her sleep through the night. Well obviously that hasn't worked and recently she's not putting on any weight, so for the past week I gave her formula once in the middle of the night and on most occasions, she gulped down 80mls. She still woke a 2nd time after that, around 2 hrs after, but I didn't feed her and put her back to sleep and she woke up at 6.30am, her usual waking time.

I'm wondering if she still needs the night milk feeds at this age (at 1am)??? I did notice she wasn't able to eat much breakfast solids at 7.30am after having a morning breastmilk feed at 6.30am. And lunch and dinner too.

Overall her intake of solids has also decreased, she was able to finish one small bowl of food + finger food before, but now she's barely able to finish half a small bowl. Not sure to cut the milk feed in the middle of the night so she will eat more in the day.
Or should I just feed her formula when she doesn't eat?? Also not sure if she just hates her solids now.

Is your toddler able to eat one small bowl or more? How much milk are they having at the same time? Do you give morning & afternoon tea (a snack)? What do you usually give?