how to allow 18mths to get used to school?


Active Member
Hi parents, yesterday was my son's 1st day in playgroup. he was fine yesterday in school, but today when my mom brought him to school he starts to hold tight on my mom and not willing to go school. Any parent has solution on this? sigh~ kinda heart pain to hear him cry .


Hmm, normally you would need to accompany the kids for a week or 2 to help them settle into the new environment.


Active Member
...... issit?alamak.. sigh then i better tell my mom to stay with him tomorrow.I do not have leave to take already sigh~but if we acc the kid wont he get more attached and even hates the school?


New Member
i am gonna put my kid next year... i think the accompanying thing is for the child to get familiar to the new environment. then when the kid settle (orientate) already, then know some familiar faces there, not so scary, then slowly no need to accompany. coz suddenly by himself and everybody is stranger might be scary... juz my thots la :) hope all things work out for u !


Active Member
well the teacher said acc 1 day, so we went on 1st day with him but who knows he is fine on 1st day but start to cry during 2nd day..sigh~but lucky is that he only cries when he enter class and before nap. rest of time is i really hope he can adapt soon if not i am going to change to half day class for him.. so heart pain.


New Member
yes, the crying very heart pain right..... I dont have any help, so either put half day (I will have to work PT or find someone to pick up) or full-day (then i can work FT) when he 18M soon...also concerned if he w adjust. all the best and may he adapt soon! Let me know how it goes :) hopefully our kids will adjust smoothly
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I will try my best to ensure him that I will come and fetch him at certain timing. Keep telling him I love him. Repeat that many times. Give him a lot of hugs. When my boy went to Childcare 2 yrs ago, he went on strike. Didn't drink much water, of coz didnt eat well too. By the time I go n fetch him his body was very warm. So....... Just try to ensure them lo.


Well-Known Member
My eldest took about 1 week to adjust to going to child care. Just be consistent about it. When you or your mom drops her off, just give her a hug, say "i love u, see u later." and say good bye. Don't allow him/her to cling on. Once you let them him/her know that this is how it's going to be, but reassure them, they will get used to it eventually.

If possible, pick your child up earlier than usual to help them adjust to being in child care for long hours. My children's CC opens from 7 till 7. We usually drop them off at 8.30am, and sometimes when we pick them up late at 6-7pm, the teacher will actually encourage us to pick them earlier next time.


Active Member
woo thans.. my boy currently now only cry when he realise my mom is not going to class with him but stop crying after he see his frenz or those babies from infant class. so i guess he should be adapting well. but how do we know if they are eating and drinking well ar? sigh~ till now i still abit worry abt him.. i guess becoz every kid is like a precious to parents bah..


i seriously think 18month tod to be left with a teacher without familiar caregiver is too early. try starting him when he turn 2 or 2.5. school should not be rushed. he will have the next 20 years to go to school. if he becomes terrified to be left alone with stranger, he will show more emotional problems as he grow. on the other hand, why try so hard when you yourself felt heart pain, worry etc?


Active Member
no choice as my #2 going to be born in jan .. need to prepare #1 now if not when #2 is out #1 will have more problem adapting to school.
but my problem solved. coz he is enjoying his classes now. and he did learn alot in school i was surprize he knows his numbers and abc :D