How to bring back milk supply?


Really need urgent advise on this.
It started about 2 weeks ago where somehow my baby who is 4 months now start to drop in his feeding demand. From regularly 2-3 hours interval to only 4 hours interval and even for every feed he only drink a little and start playing with the nipple and not drinking. During that time, I also feel that I do not have much milk supply for him to drink so I did not pump out or I must say very difficult to pump out because with that small supply left. Then now, my breastmilk get lesser and lesser, there is even one day where I do not have any milk at all in the breast and no choice I have to start giving him formula. Now on and off there are some milk but is only enough for one feed throughout the day.

Is there any way now that I can bring back the supply because I really dun wish to stop now at 4 months only. I read the other similar thread mentioning about going to parent craft centre at TMC. Is it expensive for the consultation? Anyone tried before? Any feedback?

Apart from that any other advise which I can do now to bring back the supply or is it that one the demand drop it will never come back at this stage now??

Please help and thanks in advance.


Active Member

the way to bring back the milk supply is the same as the normal way to increase milk supply..

you can try to latch baby as much as possible.. if u still have little milk, let baby latch each milk time (2hrly) be4 u give him the formula milk ba.

if you have the time, u can try power pumping.. means u pump like 15 mins on each breast, every hourly..

hot shower/massage on breast..

drink plenty of hot fluid, green papaya fish soup, red date tea n stuffs like tat..

you can also try domperidone n fenugreek...

check out other thread on ways to increase supply as well..




the way to bring back the milk supply is the same as the normal way to increase milk supply..

you can try to latch baby as much as possible.. if u still have little milk, let baby latch each milk time (2hrly) be4 u give him the formula milk ba.

if you have the time, u can try power pumping.. means u pump like 15 mins on each breast, every hourly..

hot shower/massage on breast..

drink plenty of hot fluid, green papaya fish soup, red date tea n stuffs like tat..

you can also try domperidone n fenugreek...

check out other thread on ways to increase supply as well..

Thanks thanks ... will try all that ...
I found that most probably also because of too stress and low appetite of myself ... will work harder and see if the supply will come back ..

I will jia you.:wong19:


Active Member
Thanks thanks ... will try all that ...
I found that most probably also because of too stress and low appetite of myself ... will work harder and see if the supply will come back ..

I will jia you.:wong19:
stress also lo.. take ur regular meals n relax.. good luck babe~:wong29:


hi..i hv been bf my ger for 8mths :) ..for the past has been up and down since she started on solid..a few days ago, i had to resort to using frozen stock :( .. on my rest day, i let her latch on ;) it works.. now back to recent normal amount.. i pump regularly at arnd 5am(before i leave for work)..8+ & 1+ at work. arnd 4+ when i get home, then arnd 8+ direct latch..and will try my best to pump another time before i sleeps arnd 10+..sometimes i just ko with her and wakes up arnd 2 to pump..
very tiring..but definitely worth it! hope you can continue bf as long as poss! my aim is at least 1yr!!