How to DEAL with my lil Monster??? HELP PLS!!!

This story happened few days ago at Bedok Centre>

A Lil rascal went out wz grandpa but he went his own ways w.o waiting!!
Aft 45mins he was found inside a toy shop happily playing a toy telephone!Yes he went missing for 45mins!
Both in laws, my sil & myself were all searching for him high & low, running all over like mad!! Lil hero wasn't crying or worried at all when found! -_-
May I know how to deal wz this rascal?! I was so worried that History will Repeat again!

Dear mummies, anyone can advised me?? Thks alot!!:embarrassed:


that must your little rascal in the pic. he looks a bit older. when my boy was younger, 1-2yrs old, he was quite a handful & runs around the place. i bought this little green frog bag from kiddy palace & make him wear it for outdoor. there's a 'leash' attached to it so he cant go far & i can concentrate on shopping. it's no laughing matter if i really lose him. now he's older, 3yrs old, it's difficult to keep him under control, very active. all i can do is repeated command. it works for daddy to use strict stern voice, look him in the eye & said "it's not acceptable. you must not do it again. do you understand?"

doesnt work so well with me cos i'm the softie & he knows.

well, basically we repeat & repeat & now he finally good luck to you.

just happen to notice, your boy is ethan? my active & daring boy is ethan too. perhaps the name we give indicate something :twink:
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Oh thks for ur suggestions! i know i saw that frog bag before kinda awful thou....

ETHAN ~ stands for Monster??!!


Oh thks for ur suggestions! i know i saw that frog bag before kinda awful thou....

ETHAN ~ stands for Monster??!!
LOLz..... ETHAN means adorable monster

I just notice, your ethan is 5yrs old already? i mean, the age is now more mature? they listen to instruction better compared to a 3yr old.