How to make baby drink the frozen breast milk / Any methods to share?


New Member
Hi Mummies, do your baby reject your frozen breast milk? Recently I have started thwarting my frozen breast milk for my boy as I started to work & my supply dropped. My boy will struggle NOT to drink the frozen breast milk. I realised that the frozen breast milk has a strong sour/metallic smell. Usually, our "fresh" breast milk is odourless.

I have tried adding a scoop of formula to cover the taste but it worked fine for just 1 day before he rejected again. Today I tried to mix 80ml of "fresh" one to 40ml of frozen one. As of now (crossing finger), he is willing to drink.

How long to you keep your frozen milk? I kept mine for 3 months.
Any methods to "trick" your baby to drink the frozen milk? If not, very wasteful.



New Member
It shouldn't have sour or metallic smell. Which part of the freezer did you keep?. If you want to keep beyond 3 months, it should be kept in the freezer drawers. So far my frozen milk don't have sour smell.
Hi mummy uve a case of lipase. lt helps to break down fats in e milk for easier digestion. Some mummies have high lvl of lipase and some babies actually dont mind at all. The only way to get rid the taste is to scald your milk with hot water before freezing. Take note that some good nutrients amd antibodies will be lost during the scalding process but it is still better than formula milk. And DO NOT boil it. Hope it helps!
i keep mixing fresh ones with frozen ones. and in order to clear the frozen stock, i gave it to baby when they are deep in sleep, night feed.

mine is a super fussy one, i dont mind the trouble mixing though:) frozen milk does smell and taste different from fresh one, as long as not sour to taste, go ahead to use.

i kept mine in deep freezer for up to 6 months. the longer u store, the tatse will differ greatly.